(30) Hailey's Potion flashback

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"Did your dad said to not use that potion" he ask and followed me out the workshop as I locking it. "Well yah but who cares." and headed out with Splendor behind me. I quietly went in Zalgo's room seeing him sound asleep. 'He's so cute!' I fangirl in my head. I carefully walk closer and took a piece if his hair. "Careful" and took a piece. I look back at him and and blush. He wasn't wearing any shirt on! I was glued to the floor unable to walk out.

"Psst! Hailey time to go" Splendor whispered yelled then a tentacle was rap around my waist and pulled me out of the room still blushing. "You ok Hailey? You red" he said and put his slender hand on my forehead. "Your temperature is hot Hailey! You need to go back and take a rest. I think you have a fever."


"You heard me right missy, go to your room and take a rest." and teleport us to my room.

"I'm not sick!" I yelled.

"Well you are hot. Don't worry I'll do the prank by myself. You need a good sleep" and tucked me in bed. 'What's wrong with you! I'm not sick!'

"Shhh..it's bed time." and took the potion and the hair that I took from Zalgo. "Good night" he said and walk away closing the door behind him.

'You followed that stupid friend of your? Your a fool Hailey.'

"Who's there!" stood up from my bed.

'Oh don't be afraid. Your fine with me but them is not'

"I don't care who ever you are. There are my friends"

'Who treated you like a little child. They should be scared about you not the other way around. You have the potions and the knowledge. Them? They are using you.'

'I- they are my only friends here. We should agreed at each other. They are just worried about me.'

'You sure? From the looks of it, it doesn't seems like it.'

"Yes they are! They cared for me you fool!"

'Then why did you just gave away your potion to a untrustable person in the world'

'She's right. I just gave my potion to Splendor who always ruined every plan I had'

"Splendor!!!" someone yelled making me go out of my room to see Zalgo all angry. He look at me and gave me a 'have you seen him' look. I shook my head 'no' "why?" I ask.

"He freaking change my look!" 'Change his look?' "Didn't you heard me? That brother of mine will pay. I don't look fabulous!" and storm away finding his brother? Zalgo has a brother? Why does his speaking sounds so familiar?

"Came back here you moron!" other one yelled. I look downstairs to see Zalgo chasing Splendorman. "Change me back or I'll make you pay!" he said.
"Would you please quite down! It's 5:00 am and you two are running around like kids!" said Zalgo? Wait. Zalgo is chasing Splendor and he is behind me.

"Splendor!" The other Zalgo said who was chasing Splendor got tired and look at me and Zalgo.

"Hailey tell me where is my glasses. I think I saw me looking at us" Zalgo said who was behind me.

"Zalgo! You did this did you!" the Zalgo who was staring at us stormed towards us bumping into Zalgo who was now beside me and both of Zalgo fell into the ground. 'Ohhh... the potion. I totally forgot about that.

"You change me back or else!" 'then that's means the Zalgo who was chasing Splendor was...

"Hey Trender.." Splendor said waving his slender hands at us "catch me if you can!" he said and went running to a different direction. Trender followed him and Zalgo look at me with a confuse look.

"Explain now" he said. After explaining I wasn't able to fix it cause I'm just 10 years-old and totally don't know how to fix the potion problem.

"I call your dad" Slender said and teleport away, seconds later he went back with my dad in his pj's.

"Hailey what did I told you about touching my stuff." glaring at me.

"To not too" lowing my head. Splendor was tied up in a chair same as Trender. Dad fix the potion problem and now I was forbidden to use any potion like that. Which was sucks!

~~ Flashback ends ~~
"Right. Ok bye!" and he left.

'You should make it' the voice said. I grin and made the potion.

Only a few more recipe and my potion is done. Now all I have to do is to get a sample from the 'Queen's' hair. A single hair will do for now.

Sorry to take so long for an update. My uncle died this Tuesday (Jan 15, 2019) and I was upset. To sad to make a chapter. So I hope you enjoy this chapter💓

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