Chapter 7

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"Mal!" Negan beamed, a youthful giddiness in his eyes. "We caught those motherfuckers."

Mal blinked, eyes darting between Negan in the kitchen and catching the not-at-all-subtle conspiratorial look she exchanged. "What?"

"Lugh and Alec found the Calvary Boys!" He broke in excitedly, "All of them. They weren't going far, too tired and weak to travel and our boys found them." Negan grinned at her, huge and proud, and Mal couldn't help but return it. In fact, she felt herself biting back on a laugh.

She felt a whoosh of relief escape her chest. There wouldn't have to have a sense of extra security or anxiety of waiting for their reckless acts. But then Mal knows what would happen, what the Saviors and Negan will do for their undoing, terrible deeds in the KillGames.

"That's great." She said, sounding a bit weak on her enthusiasm and Negan noticed.

"But?" He teased.

"Can we talk about it after we plan with the others?"

He sighed. "Okay."

Mal and Negan walked up the stairs to the meeting room at the mechanics room. Mal took her spot next to Negan while Lugh stood on the other side of the large metal table by Mal. Negan smirks ear to ear resting in his chair. "Fucking enter already!" One by one, Negan's scouts came into the room all lining up.

Mal recognized them as the commander Saviors coming in the room. "Alright, what ya got for me and make it fucking quick. I'm a very busy man and I haven't got all day to sit on my ass and listen to you bitch."

Lugh steps up. "We've been able to locate the group that attacked us three hours ago and they are the ones responsible for the KillGames. The Calvary Boys."

Negan nods. Mal nods then frowns slightly when Negan snakes an arm around her hips. Negan doesn't turn his attention away from his scouts, nor does he bat an eye as he starts to rub Mal's thigh. She just went with it, hiding her mad blush.

"Alec held them in a truck and wait for your command as to where you'd like to deal with them, Negan."

"You got all those pricks?" The taller of the scouts steps up.

Rachel scout steps up. "Alec and Lugh got all, except one. The leader, Kev-Ca- whatever his name was-"

"Calvin." Mal answered.

"Thank you. It's heard that Calvin abandoned his group, leaving the group in desperate measures."

Negan grins leaning back in his seat. "Fan-fucking-tastic then!" The over excited man claps his hands. He smirks at this slightly, glancing at Mal. Negan laughs. "Alright, we have fifty of our men out there to barricade them, in case they leave. Once I'm there and make my grand fucking entrance, they'll be punished for their crimes. And Mal, it's your choice to come with me or not. If you do, you choose you will go first."

"I'll go with you," she said without hesitation. "I known them and how they act. They do deserve for the losses of people's lives. On one condition."

Everyone stares at her, judgement is in their eyes and she wasn't sure if she can say it. "One will live-"

The Saviors barked at her, spouting curses and complains until Negan slams his bat Ellie on the metal table. The slam echoed a fierce punch and the room is silent still. He nodded to her to continue.

"His name is Ryes. He was the one who helped me and Negan when we were in the Pits of Judgement, giving us Ellie to defend ourselves. He's just a boy, following orders and never attends to kill anyone. I know you'll never agree with my offer, but we can put him in the dark room, help him until he redeems himself. Just like I did before."

The Ruins Part 3 (Series of The Ruins)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon