Chapter 32

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The past three nights were the restless nights in the Tradepost. Negan remembered restless nights like this but this is worst so far he's ever encountered. The Saviors went into their places by his ferocious orders to help on taking out the fires and dragging bodies out. Negan and Alec wait for the rest of the leaders to join in the meeting, in Alec and Lugh's apartment. Every time he glances at Alec, it tears him to see his frigid body wanting to leave the room. Negan would- fuck, be like that if Mal was the one to be laying on a white sheet bed, helpless and nothing to do but wait for her to heal the wounds. He should let him go. Lugh awoken three days ago, prescribed with medication for any infections that could come on his injured left eye. Mal and Lalon are talking to Lugh right now, not taking part of the meeting. Not only his stomach churred about the lost, the RK kids disappeared with Kal. They went to save other kids, and the RK's are worried. Mal is the most scared to all of them, and Negan can't blame her. They are so brave but letting his kids alone in the Ruins. His kids... his kids. Yeah, they are not just the RK's kids, Mal's kids. They are his kids. His family.

Tom, Vix, Sally Two-Knives were at the left, Bud, Alec, Basher Clay and Rachael on the right and across Negan would be Riot and Nathan. And in time Riot smiled up at them as he and Nathan walked in. Riot took a seat while Nathan hovered next to him.

"I'm glad you come this meeting. Actually, I'm down right motherfucking pissed about this," He gave them both approving nods. "We've been in this road before. And it sucks when the enemy came up in our ass and fucked us dry. We've lost many people, but we made in time to not lost a community, a system, ourselves. We are not going to let them try to scare us, they don't know who the fuck they've messed with. These two gentlemen were Frontiers and they are about to show us the ways to screw the Frontiers."

"Why we have Frontiers with us? Can we trust them?" Basher Clay deadpanned.

"Oh, looks like we got some tense in here. Don't worry darling, I hate the Frontiers as much as your baseball wrapped in your meaty hands."

"It's alright," Tom said, nodding to him. "Frontiers attacked in the trade route and they protected us. They're no threat to us."

Basher Clay didn't bother to reign in the disbelief in his expression. "What? You think it sounds like pie in the sky?"

"No," Vix suddenly said, her face resolute. "But those two know the Frontiers community. Weapons, tactics, weaknesses."

Vix looked at him expectantly, awaiting his answer. He shifted on his feet. "I'm sorry," He answered honestly, "I really don't know who to trust now."

Alec met his eyes, nodding approvingly. "But we have too. Nathan, Riot. What do say about this."

Nathan took a deep breath and gestured himself closer to the table, "This was a test." Negan listening intently to Nathan's observations. "Alpha and Beta come in communities unnoticed, observing the area, searching the directions and learn about the system. Alpha has a way to inspect his hunts; he fears nothing and can sense the tiniest fear in his ideology. First is to disable the gates, take out the guards. Next is terrorize, not destroy. They want to see what communities do in a situation like this. After they leave, they go to Jolene to discuss on how weak a community is; and if weak, they take them and let the community burn down. If a community has a strong force, it's a negotiation of letting them join the Frontiers or be killed."

And everyone nodded along, hearing the disturbing content. "Frontiers are about following the rules. Observe, learn, and never be weak. They may have the numbers, however, they do not have the artilleries they used to have. Automatics, annunciation, grenades, solid guarding system. Behind the gates is the city and there are five teams of two, holding in herds away from the city. That's another problem. With the Saviors and Tradepost's weapons, we take the advantage."

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