Chapter 17

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They came down, nestling a long tumble of boulders left over from a glacier. Negan dismounted his bike as he waits for the car that led the herd of Infected, leading to a crooked path that kept trees between them and whoever might be down there- Bounty Hunters or Infected. Once out Negan will take the herd into the road and out couple miles into the creek that once been a scenic country road, and it was wide enough for them to walk side-by-side, and take them up the mountains to the dome where they'll burn the bodies quickly by the Bounty Hunters. The Saviors took a few Runners by hand and gathered the Infected all in the road and are coming towards Negan.

The peaks of small soft green of the grass ran along the dirty, snow-covered cracked road, and the constant birdsong all around Negan, gave the moment of peace and a fairy tale feeling. It was unreal, even surreal in its gentle, unhurried beauty. So at odds that the world can be peaceful in harmony.

Up the hill, the view is opened, and Negan saw the roads that wandered many miles away. Then Negan squinted to the roads as the sun blocks him. Small muscles bunched and flexed at the corners of his jaws. Negan then sits on his bike and up the road he saw the wandered grey mass. The crossroads were crowded with the living dead following the slow fainted red Toyota car. There were at least a thousand of them, all are a herd of Infected. Negan stared, waiting for the sea of monsters. There were ordinary people, old people, nurses, kids, many of them showing signs of the terrible bites that had killed them. The herd sees Negan (in the flesh and standing out) and the car speeds up to meet him.

The window rolls down to see the two Saviors- Oz and Ryan. "Go up the left. I have my radio on, in case something happens."

"Be careful, boss." The small Savior said.

Negan smirked. "Don't worry, boys. My nuts are made of steel and they won't let me die anytime."

Negan starts his engine as he searches behind to see twenty yards of the herd, moaning and shambling towards him. The car goes off as Negan drives at least ten kilometers or less.

Moving very slowly, careful not to go too slow that the herd's reaching gnarly hands grab him. He makes a bend in the road, hugging in the middle of the road.

Around the bend, he saw the roads that wandered from all directions over hills down to the crossroads.

It was nearly an hour before an half an hour to get to the point where Negan wants to go. He didn't look back; the loud moans and groans shambled behind, the motor trembled vibrated through Negan's entire body.

Then Negan turned sharply with his head, staring behind him. He saw their withered faces, and then he caught something on his noes. Something burning. A sulfur stink that he knew very well. He'd smelled it a hundred times at the pit on the days when they set off dynamite to drop a layer of shale and loose rock down on the ashes and partly burned bones.

Fuse, Negan's brain shouted. He wanted to shout, but was erased by an immense blast that tore half a million pounds of concrete stones and the snow from the cliff walls. Fiery clouds of jagged debris burst from both sides, exploding into the pass from ground level and above. Negan cursed and bolted away from the tons of rock that smashed down all around him.

Negan drove at full speed, away from the road... right towards the sea of Infected. Every single one of them turned faced toward him, a thousand black mouths opened, two thousand wax white hands reached for him as he raced without control toward them.

Negan knows he's driving towards death. The road to cross is destroyed, and if he moved on he probably blow himself up. If he tried to slow down, the Infected would surround him and drag him out of the bike. There was only one possible choice left, and it was as improbable as it was insane. The Negan who had gone reluctantly in bad choices. The Negan who is a danger to everyone and make people go on their knees and bash their heads that he simply enjoys to much. The Negan who had faced the reanimated dead fuckers of the pit that he was beside with Mal. The Negan who has a girlfriend- a badass cock-biting serial killer girlfriend.

As he bore toward the hungry mouths, Negan's lips spoke onto the radio. It was not a cry for help.

He screamed, "Saviors, assemble!"

And he drew his bat Ellie, kicked the bike into fourth gear as hard as he could, and charged into the monsters.

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