Chapter 24

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The first time Mal awoke that evening Negan had sprawled himself over her, a strong, muscled thigh had slipped between hers, and Negan's arms had twined around her waist keeping her snug against the other man. Mal looked down at the peaceful face that had nestled against his shoulder, gently stroking her fingers across his cheek. Stubble pricked at her lips when she placed a kiss against it, nonetheless she let them linger, indulging herself, breathing in the spicy musk that accompanied the man wherever she went.

It was selfish indulgence that drove her to place another kiss on his cheek, then another higher up, thumbing across where her lips had trailed. There was only a brief flicker of guilt when Negan stirred at her actions. Her breath caught when those brown eyes flickered open to land on hers. She gave a sheepish smile, lips barely turning up in the corner, before whispering a quick "sorry."

"You can wake me up like that anytime baby." The other man's sleep-heavy voice sent shivers up her spine, so similar to that graveled tone that whispered the dirtiest things into her ear.

She hardly noticed their noses nudging together before Negan pressed closer, lips joining in the dark room. It was only a brief kiss, a slight taste of the other before they withdrew back to themselves. They sighed almost in unison, hands trailing soft touches along skin.

"You alright?" Negan asked, voice hushed, not wanting to break the blissful tranquility between them.

Just as quiet Mal replied, "Yeah, just... I can't believe we're here." She rested her forehead against Negan's. "Never thought I'd feel this happy again."

Negan gave him a warm smile "I'm glad."

Mal's eyes fluttered closed when Negan's lips found his again. She let the man take control of the kiss, allowed his tongue to slip between her lips, slowly letting her own stroke along the muscle. He could definitely get used to this, he could easily spend hours in bed with this woman. He wanted to spend every waking moment exploring her body, learning every inch of it until he knew each freckle and scar better than his own.

"That will never get boring." Negan mumbled, nuzzling along Mal's neck, whispers of kisses echoed against her skin.

Mal had fallen asleep and he grinned on how adorable she really is. He reaches again for her in her sleep. Mal allowed herself to be enveloped in his strong arms again, nestling herself against his body. He will most definitely get used to this, he thought before returning to a peaceful sleep.


A shrill ringing woke her the second time. A pained groan rumbled behind her, the warm arm left her waist to answer the wake-up call, slamming the alarm back onto the receiver when he was finished before returning his arm to where it had settled around Mal's hip. Mal arched his neck, smiling at the mouth nuzzling along the length, stubble almost tickling her flesh.

"Mornin'" Negan's voice was husky with sleep, purring in her ear.

"Morning," Mal wriggled back against Negan, burrowing her face back into the pillow, it was waaay too early to be awake. All she wanted to do now was spend the rest of the day in the warm bed, Negan wrapped around her, the two of them hidden away from the world.

"Keep wrigglin' like that and there's no chance that we're leavin' this bed today."

She wriggled again, her grin hidden away. "Maybe that's my plan."

Negan chuckled against her shoulder-blade, a low, dirty chuckle that had Mal's heart racing that little bit faster. "You lil' tease." His palm slid along Mal's waist, fingers sliding under the shirt, her shirt she noted with a flash of heat, Mal had put on to trickle along her ribs. Making a brief note to feed his girlfriend more, he let the digits wander down to tease along her hips. "What on earth am I gonna do with you?"

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