Chapter 36

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The sun was setting down. Max sat on the roof of the school. Killeen murmured, "What a day, huh?"

Max followed his gaze as the kids say beside him and half smiled. "Yeah," said Max. "Could never imagine us doing this."

Rin smiled and chuckled. "You could say that. But we believed in each other about it that we can do it."

Max understood Rin's explanation, and he wondered so long on what the RK's are going through. He never seen himself trying to be as them, he just wants to learn from them and make them proud; they are growing up into the Ruins unlike any other children.

In towns there was always someone around to help with children. The whole town looked after everyone's kids. It was the way it had always been. No one would ever let a little kid go wandering off on their own.

However, those kids are hidden behind walls, learn the ways before the Black Night. And it never works for children born in the Ruins. It's on way of survival, life. The RK's taught them the right way and Max is scared to now be by himself, at least he hopes he is not the only one scared. Maybe that's part of growing up, first scared then accepting your responsibilities.

He felt his face flash as he thought how growing up is different in the Ruins. Growing up is become a person making their own choices. Maybe he's not different to people born before the Black Night. He smiled and is happy all his family is growing up.

He felt eyes on him and turned to see Johan giving him a considering appraisal.

"What?" He asked.

"What's on your mind? You look like you're trying to squeeze out a thought."

"Not a thought. Just thinking," said Max.

Johan sighed.

"And what are you thinking about?" Rin smiled.

"Actually, it's about us."

"And what about us?" Killeen said tentatively.

"We're growing up, guys."

"Oh, are you saying we're getting old? How rude." Joked Rin.

"Hilarious. More like we are beating the Ruins. Like Mal, Lalon, Vix, and Lugh said to us in the beginning. We're beating this world."

Max stared ahead, and for a few moments he stared at the sunset, smiling in an appreciated smile. "We are the RK's, but we are not any of them. We are different, and today we become what we want to become. I wanted to make weapons in the Tradepost and Sanctuary, however, what we did today. Saving and finding people, this is what I can to do. I want to save people and I want to find that jet we saw before. So that's what's going in my mind."

"Yeah," Killeen said very quietly, "crazy, huh?"

Johan snuggled Max's shoulder, Rin leaning against Killeen and Killeen snuggled as well to Max. "I want to save people too," smiled Johan.

Rin shook her head. "Me too. Scared people is funny but saving people is a good feeling."

"And kicking Infected butts." Killeen exclaimed. "Speaking of the jet, once this is over, we should find it."

"It hit west then turned back towards east, maybe the jet is finding something."

Max pondered on Rin's idea then suddenly yawned. "Well we better hit the bed. First the Frontiers then the jet."

"I don't want to go to bed," whined Johan. "I'm not even tired."

"Too late. I'm the oldest, so you do as I say."

The Ruins Part 3 (Series of The Ruins)Where stories live. Discover now