Chapter 3

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The kids followed Negan to the bridge, Negan started to make a racing contest.

"Last one to the river gets so fuckin' wet." Negan ran.

"Hey! Wait for a start countdown." Rin complained. "No cheating."

"I bet three of my Famous Infected Cards Johan will be the loser." Killeen said cockily, earning Negan to laugh and pet his hair.

Johan pulled her tongue out. "Bring it on, Killeen. You playing Max?"

"Nah, I'm good. I got AJ with me."

"God you're old."

"Yeah, you have no fun anymore." Said Rin.

"I do have fun, but I'm good. Thanks."

The kids gleamed and ready themselves as Negan countdown until he yelled "go", and they ran, most of the time slowing down to follow Negan. Crossing the bridge, he enters them through a forest path, cutting a right of a open slope then carefully climbed down a sloped staircase of a hill.

Max had to stop long enough to catch his breath, getting a firmer hold of AJ and clutch his ribs due to laughing when entering the vicinity of below the bridge and by the river. The rivers current is small and calm. The water isn't actually cold, this day the water is warm enough in the early fall. The sight and sounds of Negan, Killeen, Johan, and Rin took off their shoes, rolling their pant legs, racing to get to the water first, splashing one another and calling each other names was the funniest thing he had seen in a long time.

Negan was too busy celebrating his victory of soaking Johan and Rin before Killeen, he didn't notice him reaching into the water and splash a huge gallon of water.

"Oh no you don't, you cheating little shit!" Negan yelled, grabbing Killeen's ankle.

Killeen wiggled free and kicked more water into his face, Negan spits out some water. Max was wiping away a multitude of tears of laughing too hard.

Negan caught sight of Max and AJ picking up rocks and throwing them near the water. He was enthralled. AJ was actually jumping and splashing more himself than skipping the rocks. Negan stood and watched them with a mile-wide smile spreading across his face.

Fucking priceless.

Negan walked over to the water's edge and joined them. The rest join to dry and put their shoes back on before Johan suggest to play tag, and Rin was it.

"Up." AJ ran and grabbed at his legs, pushing himself up. "Up, up, up."

Negan picked him up and set him on his shoulders. "Be gentle this time. My head still hurts from the last time. You got a hell of a grip."

Max sauntered over, slowly putting one foot in front of the other. Not even bothering to hide the fact that he obviously didn't want to. He planted himself in the ground with a plunk and crossed his arms.

"Wanna tell me what the fuck's eatin' Gilbert Grape or do you just wanna keep it to yourself?" Negan has never been known for sugar-coating situations.

Max gave Negan a baffled look. "It's nothing that concerns you ."

" Je - sus , kid." Negan sneered . "I dragged my ass out of my job to come out here and check on all of you. How 'bout you at least try and fuckin' humor me here."

Max huffed. "When I heard the Saviors took over the metal shop, and one of the Fairview offering a blade smith shop... I thought ... I thought to have a job. As a blade smith."

"Mal talked to you about all of this?"

"Mal?" Max questioned. "I haven't discussed her about it. I'm thinking of going closer to Sanctuary, but just-"

The Ruins Part 3 (Series of The Ruins)Where stories live. Discover now