Chapter 37

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"Where did Max go?" Rin asked.

The kids woke up from Max hiding behind the door, listening to voices in the hallway.

"Don't know," said Killeen, shifting under the bed. "It looked like he was following someone."

"We better follow him," said Johan, and she grabs everyone's coats and walk out the room. They walk outside and it's raining in the night, few thunder bangs jumped the kids.

"Where is he?" Johan said, and her voice trembled on the disappearance of Max.

Ivar suddenly comes up from a cellar straight across the playground, shaken when Rin heard a shout from the cellar.

"Max!" Snapped Rin. And Ivar slams the door and locks the door by using a board.

Killeen said, "Ivar!"

Ivar growled.

"Let him go!" Johan and Rin both screamed. They dash in such speed towards Ivar when Ivar shoved Rin out of the way and held a gun.

"Well," said Killeen with a disgusted sigh, pulling Rin up on her feet, "I guess you're behind a lot of lies Ivar."

Ivar smiled a crazed smile and the smile creaked with tension. "Lies to protect my people. The school."

"Ivar, listen to us," said Johan, slowly walking towards Ivar, "we can talk about this."

"Stop right there," growled Ivar. He pushed them forty yards away from the cellar.

"We can help you Ivar. It's why we came. We're here to stop the Frontiers for good." Killeen stopped when the barrel pointed at Killeen's head.

Killeen did not drop his pipe, but instead moved beside Rin and Johan with their fist clenched.

Ivar snorted and have a short, insane laugh. "There's no stopping them. I've warned everyone!"

Then all the Troubled school kids walk out to see the intense showdown between the RK's and Ivar. Kal's face went white and walked towards the RK's. He was about to speak when Ivar's eyes hardened.

"Whoa, Ivar!" Said Kal. "Everything's cool here and-"

"I won't tell you a second time," growled Ivar as he took a threatening step forward. "You shouldn't bring them. They are making this worse. They ruined everything!"

They were all in trouble positions. The kids felt the moment becoming hopeless. If Ivar pulls the trigger, probably everyone would die.

Ivar's face was flushed, an fury seethed in his eyes as he looked at his community, looking beyond frightened, confused, and unable to recognize him. "Why can't you listen to me? They made me kill Abby-"

Everyone gasped in the horror.

"What have you done?" Barked Kal.

"I didn't do this! They did it. I had to do it. I made deals with the Frontiers about our community, giving them supplies so they wouldn't come and destroy this place. I had to do what is right and-"

"And be a coward!" Growled Johan. "You lied to them that they are safe. But you are killing them, bringing the Frontiers here. They will be never safe. It's why you killed Abby, you couldn't handle anything. You want to shoot again, go ahead. Shoot every one of us since now everyone knows who you really are, you cowardly pig!"

Ivar shook his head, not processing on this night. A loud thunder strikes behind them, illuminating the shrill fear in his eyes. The gun in his hand shook beyond control, pointing at any figure as the finger is closer and closer to the trigger.

Suddenly Max grabbed him from behind, arms tight around him. He struggled against Max behind him and lets go the gun. Max kicks the gun away when he felt a sudden weight smack into his face as Ivar broke loose and tackled him to the ground.

He felt the wind get knocked out of him, lungs struggling to suck in breath while Ivar's superior weight crushed against his chest.

The blind panic struck him all at once that came down on him. He struggled, scrabbling at the floor, his ears ringing, and then the weight was off of him as he pushed his legs onto Ivar's chest, watching Ivar to the ground.

Ivar was on his feet in an instant, advancing on Max, and Max acted without thinking, grabbing Ivar by the collar of his shirt and shoving him back. Ivar elbowed him hard across the face, and Max tasted blood. Max shoved him back again with both hands, and when Ivar drew back to throw another punch, he lunged, tackling the larger teen straight through the slide, rolling onto the other side.

Ivar let out a cry of pain as his body landed on the slide and rolled onto the ground from clocking Max square across the nose. Max pitched to the side, and Ivar stumbled down the front steps and into the street, the back of his shirt shredded, blood running in rivulets from cuts on his face and arms.

Max followed him down and then they were on the ground again, rolling around on the gravel and throwing vicious punches. Max managed to get the upper hand for a moment and get on top, his knees digging into Ivar's sides and he was about to blow hits across his face, however, Max never liked violence. Ivar is only a coward, trying fear to accomplish his problems. He gets up and held his hand.

"Let us help you. Please, Ivar-"

Ivar throws him to the ground and his hands went for Max's throat, fingers closing around his neck and squeezing, choking the life out of him. Max wheezed, struggled, batted at his hands, and then bucked his hips, jostling Ivar enough to get him on the ground and reverse their positions. His hands found Ivar's throat, digging in and mind Ivar's vision blur at the edges, and then suddenly Ivar's weight was gone Mac and Ivar gasping something that Max could barely understand. He caught snippets of it - a clock to Ivar's head by something that is wood, the whole place is quiet. Max's vision finally came clear and as he looks at the person pulling Ivar off of him he fondly smiles at the familiar sight.

"Don't ever touch our kids," said Mal.




"Little pig, little pig! I'm gonna huff, and puff, and blow your house down!"

Mal smiled. "About time."

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