You're My Best Friend (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

He didn't know if the next words were right to say, but he spoke them anyways. "It's nothing I've never seen," he tried comforting to make you feel less embarrassed, his hand still glued to the handle as his side was pressed against the door. But just as those words came out, it confirmed his doubt of them not being the right words to use.

"We were sixteen and it was a dare. I never would have flashed you otherwise. Peggy was supposed to do it anyways but chickened out last minute. I did it so the boys wouldn't embarrass you for a girl backing out and leaving you hanging," you argued back. But your reply made your cheeks rosy at the memory - and also because of the scorching shower you had just taken.

The mention of the dare made Deaky's heart skip a beat. He thought you had forgotten about it.

"Why are you here? You said you would be coming in this afternoon," he brought up, changing the subject.

"Are you upset I arrived sooner?" you scoffed. John could hear objects moving around in the bathroom. You were searching for your bag.

"Plane arrived earlier than I thought. You continued your search around the bathroom for your bag. You stood up straight at the realization that you didn't bring it in with you.

"Shit. John, could you hand me my bag? I think I left it on the coffee table. And don't look in it," you hissed, wrapping the towel around your body.

"I found it. Is it safe to open the door? My eyes are closed," Deaky said nervously, his eyes clenched together tightly as his hand wrapped around the knob.

"You can open them up," you giggled sweetly, opening the door and snatching the bag from him. "I'll be out in a few moments."

John nodded, but he knew you too well to know that a "few moments" meant a half hour or longer.

With the sound of the doorknob shaking open, Deaky's eyes looked up to see you standing in front of him. His back was leaned against the wall as his arms were crossed.

"Were you standing there the entire time?" you laughed, taking a step back at the surprise of John standing there.

"No, I just finished making us some tea," he said, composing himself to stand straight up.

"Oh. Do you like my outfit?" You twirled around in a red plaid skirt along with a red long sleeved sweater and red tights. "I got it in New York. I thought it was cute," you smiled.

John wanted to tell you how good you looked in the outfit, but he had forgotten words even existed. He just nodded his head in agreement, trying not to be too obvious with his wandering eyes.

"Don't be so shy on me now," you grinned at him, before walking over to him and squeezing him with a tight hug around his neck. He was hesitant to hug you back at first, his hands raising up awkwardly behind your back before hugging you in return, his body relaxing at your warm touch. It had been a while since he felt your touch or smelled your scent - always something of vanilla.

Your body was pressed firmly against his before slightly pulling away as you relaxed your body. You lingered your hand down to his chest, making small circles with your index finger. "I missed you, John," you quietly spoke before bringing your hand back up to slide over the back of his neck and into his hair.

You looked down at his chest, thinking about nothing. He was looking at your lips, thinking about you.

"(Y/N)," he whispered.

"Hm?" You lingered your eyes up to his own, taking note of every detail of him along the way. It had been a while since you had seen him this close. His touch was always soft and welcoming. You missed it. Not many people in New York had that kind of touch. In fact, most touching came from bumping and pushing into one another to get to your next destination.

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