Chapter Ninty 'Strength'

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Ember held her breath as she watched J enter the room once more, he was covered in blood which he had tried to hide under his suit jacket. She knew he had taken his anger out on someone else because of her so Ember thought it best not to ask questions, she wanted this talk with the doctor to go well and surely they could last a few moments without arguing. Diamond had fell asleep moments ago and was now resting peacefully in her mother's lap getting her golden curls gently stroked.

"Thank you for coming" Ember smiled gently at J, watching him cautiously sit on the chair beside her bed.
Noting the kindness in her voice, Joker found himself smiling back and with a quiet sigh he felt himself relax slightly. The nerves of this impending meeting were clawing at his insides so he couldn't imagine just how nervous Ember was yet she appeared stronger than the rest of them, even more hopeful.
"Of course little doll" he replied softly before looking over to where the doctor stood at the end of the bed, regarding them with sadness and hope.
"Should we get on with the meeting or would you like more time?" Peter offered feeling the pressure build up inside him under the Jokers stare.
"No please Peter, carry on" Ember whispered giving him her famous smile that could melt the hearts of anyone she came across.

"Now Ember the damage to your T12 vertebrae is significant and while the removal of the bullet fragments was a success I am going to have to operate again. You are need of a spinal fusion, leaving you as you are now will only increase the damage to your vertebrae. Ember you must understand that this operation comes with risks, there is no guarantee that you will walk again. If the operation is a success we will begin physical therapy and over time the strength in your legs should return but it will not be easy Ember nor will it be quick" Peter explained watching the wheels beginning to turn in Ember's head while she tried her best to keep the smile on her face.

"So there is a chance she will walk again?" Joker spoke up first looking towards Ember with determined eyes.
"Yes but I'm afraid to say it will be years before she fully regains her strength, I do not know her body so I cannot give you a timeline until after she begins physical therapy. You may also find that her legs will continue to trouble her slightly from time to time" Peter answered trying his best not to anger the Joker with his words.
"When can you operate?" Ember questioned looking down at Diamond inside of them.
She could feel her resolve starting to break and she knew that if you glanced at any one of them she would find herself in a fit of tears.
"We must give your other injuries a little more time to heal, I do not want to put your body under further stress" Peter tried giving her a reassuring smile as she finally took a deep breath and looked up.
"Thank you Peter, your help is greatly appreciated" Ember sighed as she kissed Diamond's head.
"Mr J, may I have a word with you?" Peter asked nodding towards the door as he turned to walk out.

Ember frowned watching the two men leave the room, she had so many questions and hated secrets. Whatever Peter had to say to him, he could surely say it in her presence.
"You may as well send my mother in, I can feel her irritation from here" Ember called out to their backs feeling her own irritation building at the thought of being left out of their conversation.
She had just found out she was going to need operating on again and she felt absolutely terrified, yet she couldn't show it. Ember knew she needed to be strong for her family, if she wasn't they would fall apart.

"What did you need to talk about Doc?" Joker muttered leaning against the wall near the staircase looking around suspiciously expecting Ember to pop up out of no where.
"Ember is very right now, I...I...I...thought it best we have our own discussion about what happens" Peter stuttered out nervously playing with his fingers.
"Tsk! Tsk! Naughty Doc, my little doll doesn't like secrets" Joker reprehended him sarcastically.
"Ember has her heart set on walking again and I truly think there is a part of her which is still in denial of her injuries. I also know how determined she is to get out of bed so I believe we need to cautiously introduce her to new ways of transportation" Peter explained watching the Jokers face turn blank.
"You mean a wheelchair" J grumbled folding his arms across his chest picturing Ember's furious face in his head.
"Ahhh....yes...a wheelchair would be perfect" Peter tried to smile but found he just couldn't do it in the Jokers presence.

"Leave it with me Doc" Joker announced after a few moments before turning and heading towards the stairs just as Ember's mother was coming up.
"Good morning Joker" her tone was sickly sweet with the biggest smirk painted on her face.
"Not for me love, you're still here" he cheered in the same tone brushing his shoulder against hers as he marched past.

"Oh my darling! Look what they did to you! I'm here now sweetheart!" Ember's mother sobbed running into the room and practically diving on the bed.
"Calm down mom, you're going to wake Diamond up" Ember ordered gently taking her mother's hand and stroking it.
"I'm sorry darling, it's just so horrible to see you like this" Mrs Dean continued to cry reaching out with her other hand to stroke her daughters cheek.
"Geee thanks mom!" Ember giggled sarcastically shaking her head.
"On a serious note, we need to talk Ember, MARYYY! Please come take Diamond" Mrs Dean called out loudly to the young nanny who was waiting patiently outside Ember's resting room.

"Ember! It's so good to see you awake!" Mary grinned almost nervously as she burst into the room. She was unsure how to treat her friend.
Did she act happy?
Did she act sad?
Mary had no idea what Ember was feeling especially since the revelation of her legs, poor girl. It was hard thing to deal with but at least she was still alive and surrounded by people she loved.

"Oh Mary I'm so happy to see you! How have you been?" Ember chirped sitting further up in bed excitedly shocking the redhead, she had not expected Ember to be so cheery and full of life.
"I'm good thank you, how are you?" Mary replied almost wincing at her question yet she found herself smiling under Ember's reassuring gaze.
"I'm happy to be home" Ember laughed not noticing the way her mother's face fell.
"I'll catch up with you later" Mary smiled as she bent down and gently took Diamond out of Ember's arms.
"I'd love that Mary! Will you also inform Abby and Frosty that I'd like to see them as soon as I've spoke to my mother?" Ember grinned happily as Mary nodded and began to walk out the room.

"So mom, what did you need to speak to me about?" Ember enquired with a slight frown watching her mother's face turn devious.
"Ember I've decided I'm taking you home!"
"What?" Ember demanded feeling her jaw slacken as a look of horror washed over her face.
"I said I'm taking you home and that's final Ember Rose Dean!"

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