Chapter Eight One 'Daddy'

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"Yum yum! Yum yum!" Diamond mumbled happily before shoving a fist full of McDonald's fries in her mouth again causing the car to fill up with roaring laughter until they were all cut off by the child's piercing glare.
"Are they nice princess?" Frosty chuckled looking down at Diamond lovingly and in awe, he still couldn't believe she was here, safe and on her way home.
"Yes wery yum!" She grinned clapping her hands and digging into her happy meal box once more.
"I've never met a child who can eat as much as her" Elsie giggled softly but her eyes held deep sadness.
Here was the sweetest little girl, full of life and happy to be going home unaware that she may never see her mother again. Elsie felt herself tearing up remembering the last time she saw Ember, if only she had known!
Shot in cold blood.....
Elsie felt guilty for not doing anything to help her earlier, surely there could have been at least one way to save her but yet here she sat feeling her heart break because it was too late.

"Thank you for looking after Peanut" Frosty gave Elsie a sad smile as he turned towards her.
"Oh! Don't thank me I was happy to do it, I just wish the circumstances had been different" she replied with a sigh, the tears she had tried to hold back now gently running down his face.
Frosty quickly turned his head to avoid breaking out into his own tears, he needed to be strong for Diamond. She was just a baby and upsetting her was the last thing he wanted.

It didn't take long from them to arrive at the Jokers house. Everyone could feel their hearts pounding furiously except Frosty's which seemed to have stopped all together. The house appeared to have a dark element about it and the the air seemed stiff and suffocating. He wanted to load everyone back into the car and get as far away as possible. It was a very rare occasion when you saw Frost get scared and right now he was terrified. His whole body was on edge and letting out a shaky breath he turned around and handed Diamond to Elsie.

"I want everyone to stay behind me! If anything happens I want you to get as far away as possible, don't look back just go!" He ordered trying to gain the tiniest bit of authority he had over the situation.
Slowly and cautiously, Frosty made his way to the front door and quietly twisting the handle he push the door and took a small step inside.
"Oh Johnny!"
He suddenly stumbled back as a great force hit his chest but smelling that familiar floral smell he regained his balance and pulled his wife into his arms, holding her tightly against him as she sobbed.
"What's happened? Is she.....gone?" Frosty managed to choke out feeling his eyes automatically swell with tears as he looked up the stairs.

"No! No! Ember's alive! We lost her twice but she's alive!" Abby cried plastering a relieved smile on her face.
"Oh thank god!" Frosty called out pulling Abby into his arms once more and spinning her round.
He felt his heart finally beat again, his 'kid' was alive!
"Joker and Doc are with her now, she's in a bad way but the worst is over yet we will remain unaware of the extent of her injuries until she finally wakes up" Abby explained, not sure if she was meant to be happy or sad.
Yes her friend was alive but to what cost?
"Did the doc say when she might wake up?" Frosty enquired hoping it wouldn't be long for all their sakes.
Ember was the light in the family and if she wasn't here then chaos would surely erupt.
"No he said it's up to her to wake up. Ember's strong, she'll wake up!" Abby chirped trying to mask her worry in order to reassure her husband.

"Is that my rugrat I see?!" Mary's excited voice called out along with the sound of her glass hitting the floor as she laid eyes on her golden headed partner in crime.
"ARY! ARY!" Diamond called out wiggling around frantically in Elsie arms until the woman finally put her on her feet.
Mary almost stumbled over her feet as she sprinted towards the girl and scooped her up into a bone crushing hug.
"Where have you been my rugrat?! I've missed you!" Mary exclaimed refusing to loosen her grip on the child but used one hand to quickly tickle the child's side, desperate to hear the laugh that filled her with so much joy.
It was like music to her ears, how she had missed the child!
Now that she was back, Mary was going to do everything in her power to create a normal fun loving environment for Diamond while Ember healed.

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