I smiled to myself today)Part 22

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Feelings. I don't have them. Never did. 

When I became ten I removed all feelings from my body. Nothing was left. I didn't feel bad for anyone. I didn't care. And I don't care. I also don't love anyone. Nor do I like anyone. I don't have feelings. I removed them for my sake. But I left a little. A little for someone special that might just might come into my life. One feeling that I didn't abandon all the way was hope. Because it was like killing two birds with one stone. How? I'll tell you. I hoped that I would find someone to stay by my side forever. Not forever forever. But for a long time. Because nothing lasts. And you gotta face it. Nothing lasts. Family doesn't,friends,jobs,love,hate,people,animals,the galaxy,furniture, houses. You get the idea. So I hoped for someone to stay by my side. Wich in my mind was a lover. Not a romantic lover. It didn't have to romantic. It can be friendship. So that way while I left some hope I also left some love mixed with hope. It's a secret to myself.

So if you're wondering if I have feelings now. I do. But it's so tiny. It's smaller than a molecule.cant be seen with the eye. And guess who brought that little molecule to life? Who brought this little tiny thing to spark up. Like a torch in a night? It's blue eye guy and Scott. Scott lit up a little. Blue eye guy added to it. So now it's a tiny little bigger than a molecule. But don't get fooled. I won't let it grow. I can't. I won't allow it. Because humans are greedy. I'm human. So I'm greedy. If I see that I like this feeling I'll want more. And more and more. But then when something goes bad. I won't handle it right. I'll be a brat. Something I swore never to be. So I dont take any chances. None. Because it's stupid to do something stupid. 

Now, how about we talk about blue eye guy? 

When blue eye guy woke up I smacked his face. Hard. Really hard.then I felt bad. "Oh my god you freaking scared the shit out of me! What the hell bro?!" I scream at him. He looks pretty bad even tho I can't really see him clearly because this room is freaking dark. But I can feel it. "Where am I?" He asks as he starts sitting up slowly. "Dude, we're locked in a room with no lights" I whisper to him. When he talked to me his voice was bad. It was all too scratchy like he was screaming way too much.  "Dude,we need to take you out of here and take you to a hospital" I say to him as I touch his face. I don't know exactly where his face is but I give it a try. "I don't think I'm doing good" he says as he goes silent.my heart starts beating faster because of worry and I hear blood rushing through my ears. "No, no no no it's alright. You're alright you're just a little hurt all we need to do is find a way out" I say to him as I bring both my hands and cup his face. I make him look at me. His eyes are closed. I check his pulse and his breathing. He's alive just unconscious. We need to get out of this freaking room for gods sake. First I should find a light switch. That way it'll make things easier. I lay down blue eye guy on the floor and  get up slowly. I put my arms all over the place so I don't hit into anything. I start walking around and I start to touch the walls. I went around the room I think twice now. Or I'm just imagining stuff because it's dark. What if I'm just going around in circles? What if the peopl who put us here are watching us? And they think that I'm he biggest fool living on the face of earth?.  No I can't be negative. I have to be positive for blue eye guy. For me. I start walking  around the room once again. I start touching every inch of the wall. I think I've passed three walls now. Only one to go. If is one doesn't have the light switch then that's gonna suck. I start walking slowly. I touch every single crevice of the wall. I tho I feel something. It's a switch but I don't know what for. It may be a light switch or something that's gonna make a bomb explode. Or something that will take out toxic gas. So I should be careful right now. Because this is a risk. A really really really big one. I close my eyes and and press on it. I  not afraid. I don't get afraid. I wait for three seconds. Three seconds exactly. And the lights turn on. But no not only just that. But smoke starts coming out of the heater. And shit. We are doomed. If we don't get out of here fast enough. We'll be dead. I stay calm. I look around the room and find a hammer that's full of blood. And a sick feeling in me tells me that it's blue eye guy's. My stomach clenches at the thought. I grab and look at the door. I need to break down the door. Its made out of metal and wood. How the hell does someone make a door out of metal and wood? I start banging he door. I keep banging and banging. Taking out all of my anger. I've broken a hole through the door now. But that not enough. And my hands are bleeding. And I have no doubt that there is wood in my hands.  I keep banging though. Because once I start something, I finish it. The room has become foggy. And I'm getting drowsy. But I  not letting it stop me. I won't. I keep banging and banging. I create a slightly bigger hole. I keep banging. My arms are burning form how many times I've picked them up. My hair is free from its hair tie. And now it's sticking to my face. But that doesn't stop me. I keep banging. Then finally. Finally the door breaks open. I see everything blurry. I don't see anything right. I run back to blue eye guy and see four of him. I don't which one is the real him. I start Tou hang the first one but it's stone cold. Not him. I touch the second one. Not him either. I touch the third one and I feel his body. I sigh in relief. I grab him up. But it's hard because my hands are shaking like crazy. And my vision isn't good. I get up slowly tho. I pick him up and rest his arm in the crook of my shoulder. I start running out of the room. The finally. Light hits my face. The sky hits my face and I can breathe. I put my hand in my pocket and find my key. Wow. I'm a lucky gal. I give myself a small smile. I run to my car and throw blue eye guy in the back seat a little too violently and run to the drivers seat. I can't take blue eye guy to the hospital. Or alse they'll ask what happened. And I don't know what happened. But I can treat him myself. I just need to buy the things for it. But for now the best thing I can do is to take him to a motel. So that's what I do. Take h to a cheap ass motel. 


Hey guys!  I haven't published a new chapter for a hot minute.  I'm sorry. I didn't have any ideas and I wasn't motivated. Soooo sorry about that. Also I'm thinking about ideas for the next story I'm gonna write after this one. And yeah that's all. 

Love you guys! 


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