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Paris Pov

The two still didn't come back and I was worried it's the second day. Felix and I were starving at this point.

"Paris, can we talk about something?"

"Sure whats up"

I sat up while he moved out of the drivers seat to come sit close to me.

"Well when i confessed to you, you sorta just walked away, why?"

"I was nervous no ones ever told me they had feelings for me"

"Oh, well i know we told one another that we loved each other but do you actually"

"Felix, these past few months you made me feel so safe and cared for, i mean chan has to but he has more of a cold heart"

"What if i told you that i wanted you to be my girlfriend?"

"I would say... yes?"

"So will you"

I didn't even answer him i just kissed him and that moved on to a steamy make out session. Hands were all over each other. He had his hands under my shirt.There was no aggression just full on passion.

"Can you guys not fuck in the van"

We quickly moved away from each other and looked at Arabella.

"Yay! You guys are back"

"Im sorry for ruining your moment but look we got food"

She opened up her bag and dumped out a lot of Food items. The van had a stove top so we put that to good use.

Chan got back in the drivers seat after putting in some gas. We were good to go

Arabellas pov

Before I had gone to sleep we were in Illinois and the boys have been driving taking turns so one could sleep or rest for a while.

I had woken up and see that the boys aren't there so I assume they were outside the van.
Once I got out I felt the cold air on my skin.

Paris was leaning against one of the doors and i had told her everything that happened at the mall with chan. She looked pretty upset about it but she got really happy when i told her we kissed.

"So should we tell Chan we can look for his sister" i asked her nervously hoping she would say yes

"This cure can wait, Chan needs answers about whether shes alive or not"

We heard the boys coming back from wherever they went.

"Where the fuck did you guys go"

"To go piss in the trees"


"Channie boy, lets go find your sister"

He looked at me in shock he definitely didn't expect i say that after what was said two days before.

"Wait really! Are you sure? What made you change your mind?"

He was shaking out of pure excitement and happiness. He pushed us all in the van so quickly making me almost it my head in the process.

He kept repeating thank you a million times. I placed my hand on his thigh as he was driving so he would calm down a bit. All i was hearing in the back were giggles and kissing noises.

"Your the best girlfriend ever"
Felix attempted to say quietly but i immediately gasped.


"Sorry Ara i forgot to tell you"

"Shame on you"

"Chan you didn't tell me you had your tongue down Arabellas thr-"

"Shut it"

The two giggled and i just smiled while chan was blushing. All the fun came to a stop when we tried entering a city. Cars that were abandoned blocking our path to go through


" time to say bye bye to the beautiful beauty"

We got out and started walking all over again. New mission: finding chans sister.

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