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Paris pov

Arabella looked so pissed and my blood began to boil.
Uncle James knew what these boys did to us I don't want them to make our life's miserable again.

"You boys don't have to worry about these girls their under our care so you can just forget about them and we're just gonna go"

They grabbed our wrist and pulled us to the exit before we went through the door Felix and Chan pulled us back so Brandon and Mike were pulling one arm while the other two pulled the other.
I kept shaking Brandons arm off. Arabella did the same with Mikes.

They stopped pulling and Mike said something.

"if you girls aren't gonna budge then who do you pick us handsome tough men or those weak boys"

"first of all You are no men second of all why would we be with people who decided to make our life's even more of a living hell than it already was. You pushed me in a locker everyday and you sexualized Arabella I still get nightmares because of you."

"plus, my brother wants Chan and Felix to protect us,how are you calling them weak Mike when you were the one having your face pounded to the ground my Chan"

She walked away into a different room i just stared at the four guys waiting to see if they would do anything.

"I don't have all day"

"we shall protect the girls even if we all hate each other right boys"

"right" the two idiots said in unison

"right chan!"

Chan rolled his eyes at Felix looked at me then looked at where Arabella was at which was in a corner in a different eating a granola bar.
All he did was walk towards her without a word said.

I went up to Arabella and took a bar from her bag.
The boys went into different rooms two in each. There were three bedrooms so the last room was for me and Arabella. It started getting late and I went into a new bedroom that no one was in I decided to explore it and lay  down on the bed. Probably was the parent's bedroom. I didn't see Arabella come in the room but I just thought she would come in soon.

2 hours pass

Arabella's Pov

Paris had gone to sleep hours ago and I'm still the only one awake I went to the bathroom and looked into the mirror. Dark circles started forming under my eyes from all the restless nights. I knew I'd be bored so I went outside. I know I'm crazy but what else am I gonna do.

I carefully open the front door and I'm on my way out.
I ran to the staircase and ran down the steps making sure to hurry before everyone wakes up. The soldiers are not around anymore but there are a few dead ones lying around and some walking I missed my vision to see if there are any more of them and all I see are 10.

Some are clickers. Great I have to be extra careful before they rip my throat. I go up behind each and every one of them and slice their throats and stab them in their head for security.

Since theirs no more I go into some of the stores that are around. And according to my vision, there are none of the infected around which is great.

I found a few extra supplies of foods and water I stuff a whole lot in my bag which is huge and grabbed some plastic bags the store had.

It was time I had to go back when I saw Chan in the corner of the street.
Omg, I'm in big trouble did he find out I was gone or did he just want to go out. I hid when he started walking towards the store I was in and looked at the dead zombies on the street.

"fresh blood. Someone's here."

He talked to himself. He looked around and looked in my direction. Ahh man, he caught me but he didn't see me well.

"whoever you are, come out I'm not gonna hurt you if you don't hurt me"

Ahh screw it
I had my hoodie on and walked into the street where he can see me.
He could see my face so he had a confused look until I took it off.

"Arabella why are you out here. Are you crazy? I swear one day you'll get me killed"

Theres no tomorrow// bang chan//Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant