Arabella's Pov

I don't really sleep that much sometimes if I'm not tired I pretend to sleep for the sake of Paris. I've always protected Paris since we were little. When we were in middle school she would get bullied for not having a father and I was always there.
They ended up bullying me
One is because I was related to her
Two I was protecting her

It was 4 am I could tell by looking at the clock on the wall.
Out of nowhere I just start hearing gunshots from outside.
Our brothers run into the room and that's when I pretend to sleep again. They start shaking us and telling us to wake up.
We can already see the other two getting ready.

We run but try not to get seen by anything or anyone.
The two brothers went to look out one of the Windows to see what was going on Romeo had whispered something into his ear. Jongup jogged back to us and he looked worried.

"we're in big trouble... there are bandits and some soldiers fighting. If we don't move we'll be involved. Paris and Arabella is there any way we can get out of this situation."

I started thinking and walked moving my hand to show them to follow me.

"what about Romeo"Paris asked

Everyone ignored her, I moved to the staircase and went all the way to the bottom
Which led to the basement. Where all the equipment of the guards and soldiers were.
I had made a few gas grenades and Paris made lots of spears that look like arrows for the bow.

They grabbed what they needed and kept on following me to an exit. Before we left that exit the boys made sure to check.
There's a banging on the door that we came from and we had to hurry and get out. We shut the door quietly so the person wouldn't hear.
All of us ran into the woods off to find a new destination.

Chan and Felix walked ahead of us three.
Paris and Jongup looking down finally I decided to tell my brother what happened to me and Paris.
"Hey, um I have to tell you something"

"what's up?"
"so you know when all this shit happened?"
"Paris and I sort got bit by those things"

I whispered the last part
He looked at the both of us happily

"why are you smiling"

"you girls can be the cure I know I was horrible at school but the only class I did pay attention in school was science l loved messing with chemicals and all that."

us being able to be a cure that sounds like a major accomplishment
We all went silent again for like an hour until Felix stops

" Hey, um guys I'm hungry"

Everyone nodded except for my poor cousin Paris
I looked at her and I held her close

I whispered to her

"everything will be okay and if it doesn't it's best to keep going and keep your head up for your brothers they wouldn't want you to just think about them too much. Ok?"

She looked up and smiled I love it when I make her smile or laugh it's rare , it makes me feel better as a person. Her brothers always told me to watch over her a lot. I love her and she deserves to know that.

I know what love and emotions feel like I just don't know what the feeling of love is.
Both of us girls had never been in love with a guy.
So that means we never had
A first date
A first kiss
Absolutely no experience

You know stuff like that I did want just once even for one week I just wanted to know what it felt like.

The day goes on fast we ate canned food made a fire and went to "sleep"

We left one behind

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