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2 years later
(The girls were 15 and 14 when the apocalypse started)

Chan's Pov

my friends and I were just walking around this messed up world.
The two boys won't shut up about their sisters they miss dearly it's annoying. Those girls are probably dead by now if not well they're in a living hell. I kinda feel bad though. my ex-boss which is now one of my best friends. He's one of the ones that is talking about his sister.

He's Jongup he said his sister's name was Arabella.
The other two dudes are my best friends too
Felix is enjoying the talk trying to see if he could get with one of them after this whole thing is over.
And the other one is Romeo he had another brother named Royce but he died from being bitten I had no other choice but to kill him.
He has a sister named Paris.
She would be the youngest out of us all.

We have been traveling for days to find a camp that didn't have people in it but no luck.
We came from a quarantine zone area.
Us four were one of the guards they weren't that hard on us though unless if a horde of zombies came. Especially Felix and I we were the best shooters we still are but you know we don't like making noise for more of the infected to come so we just use arrows and knives.

I look down at the ground and block everything around me. I just detach myself from what's happening from time to time. I was being pulled by Felix and I snapped out of it we made it to an abandoned camp. We had to look over the whole thing before we start getting all excited though.
We've met bandits before and it's not easy getting rid of them because theres always so many.

We checked all around the perimeter of the building before going in it was like a motel but cabin style.

As we walk up the stairs to the first floor we hear footsteps and get our guns out. I walked slowly, everyone following behind me.
It sounded like girls voices talking more like whispering but still being a little loud.

They make a turn and now they're in the main entrance and they caught us.
All of us stared at each other for a while until the girls took their weapons out.

Jongup speaks up.

" hey hey hey we do not here to hurt you we just wanna stay here for a while we've been walking for days and we need sleep please just let us sleep here."

The girl that was taller looked at the smaller one who looked at us weird . Then the taller girl speaks

"we'll keep an eye on you two but if I see anything wrong I will make sure too make a slit in each of your throats and feed you too those ugly mother fuckers, got it"

We nodded and i saw that they only stared at Felix and I

"good, now follow me ill lead you to the rooms"

She was kinda scary I like that. Ok, let me stop.
She takes us to the rooms and leaves us but pulls out Jongup and Romeo.

We put our stuff down and start talking when we hear crying. These walls are hella thin.

"It's been too many fucking years Jong, why would you leave me like that!.....Lanni is dead she died in my arms in pain!"
She paused before she kept talking again. It sounded like that aggressive girl

The boys came back into the room opened a door and it looked like it connected to the room the girls were in so if anything were to happen we would have quick access.

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