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We've been walking for a week only getting 5 hours of rest each day.

Felix calculated in his smart head of his how long it would take us to Washington. He said at least ten months to get there with challenges in the way. Without challenges, it would be about seven months.

And it's only been three weeks with challenges in our way. Its only taking this long because we have to go around some other states go down and go back up to D.C . The states that would've made it easier to travel are too overrun and dangerous that you cant even blink an eye.

We were in the woods my feet were hurting so bad

"can we stop, please"

"why do you always complain"

"I dont know Mike, Why do you always have sticks up your ass"

"Hey, stop, we have to keep going if we wanna get there faster" This was the second time i was against what came out of chans mouth

"I've never said this before but I'm really tired like I actually wanna close my eyes and sleep."
I kept pleading but i was ignored.

"omg guys look"
We ran to where Paris was going. Shes so impulsive.
There was a swan in the lake it was so beautiful Probably the first animal ive seen since the apocalypse.

"Can we bathe here i havent done so in months"

" no wonder you smell so bad Brandon"

Girls got one side and boys got the other We ran to our side of the lake stripping our clothes off and grabbing new ones we got from the different stores at the city.

We got into the lake so that the water is up to our necks and start washing with soap that we also found.
Out of curiosity i looked over to the boys side to see Chan and felix having their backs towards us while splashing the other two to stop them from looking our way. I got distracted from looking at Chans back he was so muscular. No wonder he was able to carry me for hours.

We finished and put our new clothes on and cleaned the old ones.

Few hours passed

Brandon has been acting unusual and has not bothered us in hours but Mike kept running his mouth like always
Chan had stopped to talk to him when he started to twitch.

I was right in front of him trying to slap him out of it when he looked up and all you saw were white eyes and his mouth open. He was about to launch at me when Chan shot him in the head.

Mike hasn't been looking but once he heard the gun go off he quickly gained his attention to his now dead brother on the floor with the gun in Chan's hand.

"why did you fucking kill him you bastard"

" what do you think I was supposed to do let him devour one of us or turn us!"

"Arabella and Paris are already one of them"

"Doesnt matter, after all he deserved to die he didn't know how to respect a female and neither do you"

Mike couldn't control his anger and ran to Chan with a knife pushing me to the ground making my palm have a large cut across it. He slapped Chan's gun out of his hand.
One hand on Chan's shoulder the other one holding the knife aiming it to Chan's neck.
Chan had his two arms trying to keep the knife from going into his neck.

Bang bang

Paris and I covered our ears from the loud gunshots

Felix shot Mike in the head.

Paris quickly grabbed the bandages and ointments needed to treat the wound on my palm.I'm glad it wasn't deep but it hurt like a bitch.

"Chan" i called his name

"Hm?" He looked at my face then at my hand that Paris was still tending to.

"If i had gone to sleep you both would've been dead i heard their conversations thats what also kept me from sleeping who know what they would've done after"

" well were fine now" he gave a small smile

You can't trust anyone but my brother had given Chan and Felix the order to provide protection for us.
And I trust my brother.

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