Arabella pov

"ah shit, Chan wait we were infected two years ago we would have looked worse than we are right now!"

He stopped and turned back

"let me see the bite marks"

Paris lifted a bit of her pants to show her ankle. Then I showed my arm by taking off the sweater.
He saw the bite Mark of an infected that was lying on the floor.
Our bite marks looked healed but still had the teeth marks on them.

"you girls are immune no wonder why we're taking you to Washington D.C.
So that your uncle can take care of you there."

"but we don't want too. We were being tested in labs, I have another bite Mark on my stomach."

" and I have another one on my leg."

We could be the cure but we'll end up dying before we could do anything else with all the lab testing they did on us.

We start walking down the city and try to find a building since some of the swat team would still be looking for us.
We jump on a dumpster and climb the fire escape to get to a window.

Chan opened the window him and Felix check if it's safe and then we go in.
When we enter what seemed like a babys room
I started looking at photos on the wall and see a scrapbook.
Me being me I decided to open it and see what was inside.
I smiled at seeing the family so happy. Paris looked at the pictures too and smiled.

This gave us memories especially when Lanni was born.

The boys called us to the living room.

"Since we'll be with each other for a long time how about we get to know each other and be able to gain trust." Felix spoke with a smile

Chan looked pissed at what Felix had said You could tell he didn't want to do anything about bringing up his past or who he is.

Felix pov (I would put short pov if I want to point something out more)

When Chan was screaming at Arabella I could tell she had a scared face even if she knew that he wouldn't do anything to her.

I wanted to know more about these girls.

Paris didn't look so frightened but Arabella did and you would think that Arabella would be the one who isn't scared because of the way she acts.

Arabella pov

Felix was the interviewer in a way because he was asking me questions.

"why did you look scared when Chan was yelling at you?. when Paris yelled at you, you didn't get scared?"

I was thinking of whether to say something. Paris nudged me to make me speak and so I did.

" would you judge me if I told you?"

F: of course not right Chan?

All he did was nod his head.

"It reminded me of what my dad had done to me before my sister lived with us he would yell at me everyday and force me to let his friends touch me and i wasn't able to do a single thing but just sit there and cry"

When I finish saying that Chan had a guilty look on his face and I read his lips and he mouthed I'm so sorry.

"oh no i wouldnt wish that on my worst enemy sorry you had to go through that, Paris tell us what happened to you."

"....... um I don't know"

"I told them mines and now you tell them yours."

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