Chapter 15 ~ Brawl.

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As the bathroom door is pushed open I shove all but Dana's new dress back into the bag.

Rushing to my feet I stare apologetically at Dana who is pitifully trying to re-tie the sheet around her still slightly wet body.

She is so focused on tying that she doesn't even notice me against the wall. I'll have to remind her that she can never enter a room without assessing it first, not in this situation.

"You don't need that anymore Dana."
I murmur and Dana whips her head up to stare at me.

At first I can see a grudge against me still stained in her eyes but as they focus on the clothes in my hand a look of excitement and relief flash through her orbs.

"You convinced him to get me clothes?!" Dana questions and I nod quickly, not wanting to admit that it was Rosiks idea.
He doesn't deserve any of her gratitude.

I meet Dana halfway as she hurriedly comes forward and I press the clothes into her arms and quickly follow the fabric with one of the packets of pads and new underwear.
The other packet nestled back in the bag.

"How does he know our sizes?"

"He doesn't. This should fit but if it doesn't then let me know and I'll think of something." I reply and mindlessly I run my free hand through her damp locks and tuck them behind her ears.

"When can we leave Katie?"
Dana whispers as she closes her eyes at the comforting sensation.

"Soon. We just need the opportunity, we can't just make one up and risk it Dana. Too much is at stake."

Dana's at stake.

Eventually Dana nods and giving me a small smile she then turns around and enters the bathroom once more to put on the clothes.

I contemplate my outfit and decide that the only way I'm wearing that dress is if the clothes I'm wearing now are ripped to shreds.
I don't want to see the look of satisfaction cross Rosiks face.

Dana only takes a few moments before she is out the door again and while the dress is a little baggy on her it still looks nice.
Handing me back the packet of pads I smile at her relieved look and place it back in the bag.

After telling Dana to stay put I quickly do my business in the bathroom.
Not feeling like a shower yet I simply brush my teeth and run my hands through my unruly curls, trying to make sense of them in hopes that my thoughts will soon untangle as well.

Feeling fresher and overall more uplifted I exit the bathroom with a far easier smirk on my face.
Dana and my earlier dispute forgotten and the candle still firmly against my hip.

However as I leave the bathroom my smirk quickly drops and dread fills my stomach as I find the corridor bare of Dana.

"You fucking bought them clothes?!"

Not good, really not good.

I'm out of the hallway in a flash and with the bag still hanging limply in my grasp I skirt around the wall and barrel into the lounge where Axel has Dana's arm in a locked grip while Rosik lounges on the couch surveying the scene with a blank expression.

"Let her go." I growl out at Axel, his earlier threat still ringing in my ears and Axel raises an eyebrow at me, silently reminding me of the choice.

Axel thankfully lets Dana go and shoves her in my direction which I quickly dart out and catch her.

"Fine. It's your choice." Axel quips and I narrow my eyes at his double meaning.

Choosing to ignore him I quickly assess Dana and seeing no bodily harm I shove her behind me and face the men who are both staring intently at me.

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