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It was just like any other day.
Cold and rainy, that's England weather for ya.
He got out of bed ,went into his bathroom and did everything he needed to do and then proceeded to get ready for school.
His uniform was already layed out.
A white polo shirt,a black and red tie with a Cross embroidered on the top,black knee length shorts,white ankle socks and finally black and white hightop converses.
He sighed at the sight of his uniform but proceeded to get ready.

A few minutes later after he had gotten ready, the sound of a women could be heard.
"Son could you please come down,we have something very important to talk about!"said the women who we now know as his mother.
"Coming"he said
Sighing once more he let out a deep exhale before heading towards his door and leaving his room.
He walked down the stairs and as he reached the bottom of the steps he saw his mother,father and brother look straight at him.
His father was a tall man ,with a slight stubble,dark brown eyes and light wavy brown hair.
His mother on the other hand was quite short as she only just reached his fathers shoulder,she has beautiful ocean blue eyes,curly light brown hair and rosy lips.
While his brother took most of his dads features like the eyes,the hair and even the length.
He took more of his mums features,short (but slightly taller than his mum),light brown curly hair and rosy lips.
He definitely looked a lot more feminine then his brother, who also happens to be his fraternal(twins who don't look the same) twin brother.
You probably wouldn't have even guessed they were brothers let alone twins.
"Good morning dear."Said his mother
"Hi mum"he said while taking a seat at the dining table.
"Well we have some exiting news for you!We are moving!!...well you're moving.."said his mother quite sadly
"what...why!!..and why just me?!...where am I going?!...and why aren't you guys coming with me?!!"he said confused and saddened
"Now calm down son!well we have decided that it would be best for you to move in with your grandparents in America because it is clearly shown that you cannot do as well as your brother,so we are moving you away with your grandparents so you can study in America."said his fathers quite happily
"..but how will that solve anything.."he said quietly
"don't question me boy!!you will do what you have been told!"his father said getting rather annoyed
"..b..but..I really don't see this working..you could always just move me to another school here in England..I really don't see the need to move countries-"he said before getting cut of
"Calm down dear,my son is a good child and will do what he's asked without question,now son your bags are being packed and you'll leave at 5."Said his mother calmly with a hint of sadness in her voice
"b-....um...yeah okay.."he said as he walked toward the front door and left his house to go to school

School was the same as usual.
People trying to become his friend,but he pushed them away because he knew they were fake.
He did well in school and got decent marks on everything.
Teachers tried to talk to him and tell him "if he ever needed anyone to talk to they would always be here"what a load of bullshit
After the long school day was finished which was normally his favourite time he walked sadly home.

Just as he had expected , as soon as he entered his house his suitcases were packed but his parents were no were to be seen.
He walked closer to the suitcases and found a note on one of them.

You're brother,father and I , have gone out to celebrate your brother becoming the school prefect and probably won't be home until late,so I won't be able to see you off.i am sorry for this my child but I cannot speak against your father.
A car shall pick you up and guide you to the airport where you will board the plane and land in America , your grandparents will be waiting for you on the other side.please be safe my child and stay happy.
Love mother.

He sighed he didn't want to leave his mother behind but he couldn't go against his father.He tried to stay positive,he actually liked his grandparents they were very kind to him so he didn't mind staying with them.he took out his phone and looked at the time.

He had time to take a shower and get out of his uniform.

~half an hour later~

He was ready.
He wore an oversized grey hoodie with some black ripped jeans and his black and white hightop converses.
He had about half an hour left until someone came to pick him up so he decided to read a book, he enjoyed reading as it would let him into worlds he couldn't even imagine.
He really loves Harry Potter ,he has all the books and watched all he movies ,he would call himself the avid potterhead.
As he was in his own world he didn't realise someone had came into the house.
"Sir,we are ready to departure" a man in about his 30s said as he gathered the suitcases and took them to his car.

He sighed and looked around his house one more time.

This is just the beginning of his story.
Xavier James Orian's

To be continued..

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