Uriel nodded and Michael felt his brother’s soul release, one barrier after another seemed to give way as flames roared around his body sending piercing white and blue flames licking at the sky. Raphael cackled uncontrollably, and Michael shared a concerned look with Gabriel as they both felt Uriel’s soul release another few seals, he must have only two or three left. Michael knew Uriel would be forcing himself deeper into Raphael to try to heal him, to try and find something within his soul that he could repair. Raphael suddenly broke free from Michael and screamed.

“GET OUT!” The cry echoed throughout Michael’s soul, he had to leave, he had to get out, all he could feel was Raphael’s pain. He couldn’t imagine what Uriel would be feeling inside him right now.

Refusing to give up Michael lunged forward and managed to grab hold of Raphael once more. Shocked at how easily Raphael had broken his grasp, he locked Raphael with his hands and legs. When he had control again, he was astounded to feel Uriel cast out from Raphael, the purge so abrupt that Uriel plummeted towards the earth as soon as he was released.

“Uriel!” Gabriel cried as he watched his brother fall.

“He’ll be fine,” Michael answered silently praying that he was right.

“Please Gabriel, I need your help, try and save Raphael, I don’t want to destroy him.” Gabriel nodded in acceptance. Michael didn’t want to voice it, but he was finding it increasingly difficult to control Raphael. Gabriel noticed it too. He had never been as strong as Michael, until now it seemed. Even Uriel, the most powerful healer amongst them, couldn’t fix whatever was wrong with Raphael. Michael prayed that Gabriel could succeed where Uriel had not. If he couldn’t save him, then they truly would discover who was the strongest.

“Lord, grant me thy strength,” Gabriel whispered in prayer before gathering his full strength to pray for Raphael using the voice of God.

Raphael. May God have mercy on thee. Raphael. May Jesus Christ have mercy on thee. Raphael. May the Holy Spirit have mercy on thee. Thy hast fallen from the most high, yet he hast not turned his back on thee. Thy Father loves thee and is here for thee Raphael. Praise him, accept him, and you shalt be redeemed.”

Michael prayed with him and felt Raphael stop struggling.

“Almighty God who shalt stand against thee? Thy mere words create worlds, and before thy wrath, none shalt stand. Send thy forgiving, loving spirit to flow through thy child, thy child whom is scared and alone, thy child whom hast served thee for millennia. Bless us O’Lord and do not forsake thee.

Raphael, thou must wake and be one once more. I command thee. Thy Lord God commands thee. Awake.”

The voice of God, spoken through Gabriel shook the world with its power. Michael had never felt such a close presence to the Lord on earth since the Son had walked it. He looked over to see Gabriel in tears, the voice had touched his soul. His heart filled with joy as he noticed tears flowing down Raphael’s face also. Their Father had reached Raphael with his spirit to show he was still loved.

Deafening silence followed as both Gabriel and Michael waited anxiously, hoping to embrace their brother once more. Uriel re-joined them, looking wearier than Michael had ever seen him, but he must have felt the Lord too as he seemed relieved.   

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