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I've been shot before.

Tortured. Stabbed. 

But the pain never felt this bitter. This...Betraying.

Even waiting outside the hospital room, I can't stop the whirling storm of feelings. I should have been relieved that both the fucker didn't ambush us with their goons, I should feel good that the Serpents were alive, my brothers were pissed enough to kill but they were breathing. That she was alive.


Yet, she was at least breathing when the ambulance came to take her away. I should be on my knees, praying. But all I can feel is the betrayal. Fuck, she had a choice! I was ready to accept it just as her panicked gaze sought mine. Maybe bursting my skull wasn't exactly a good way to ride in hell but fuck it was far better than what she did.

My fist clenches.

Even behind closed eyes, I can see those tear-filled eyes closed and then pull the trigger without any hesitation. No regret. She wasn't thinking of me. Not a fucking chance. She was only thinking of herself. That selfish little brat thought she did an honorable job by choosing herself to be the one to be killed.

Fuck honor. 

My woman just doesn't give up. She did. And when she wakes up...if she wants to wake up considering she needs sleep and rest, she's going to get it. I can take any fucking shit but not the stunt she just pulled. 

"Brother." There's a heavy slap my shoulder. "You ok?"

In all the chaos that just happened, the only one with a clear head is Lethal. The person who should be running back and forth for blood is here all night waiting with me in the small waiting room. Speaking of waiting, they all are.


The FBI agents. 

On another day it might have been a hilarious sight to see both the law and outlaw together huddling in a hospital waiting for a stubborn woman to wake up. But today we are just the exhausted fuckers who survived getting shot down. 


"I'm fine," I grunt, not bothering to hide the fact that that's the hundred time I've heard the same words from different people. Didn't they get it that asking questions only made me want to punch someone in the face?

Clearly Lethal isn't the one to stop probing. "You are not fine, you fucker. You are pissed."

Someone give the asshole a fucking award.

"Of course I am." I keep my voice down for everyone's sake. "I don't know what the fuck to do. I'm pissed at Lorenzo, at Becker, at Olive, now you. The list just keeps getting long and long."

He laughs. A crazed laugh that means he isn't insulted. Not really. Before he can open his mouth to throw his two cents though, a new voice stops him.

"Isaiah Dominic?"

He visibly stiffens. Hell, even I'm startled at the name coming from the figure behind us. Turning around I'm surprised to see Olive's boss standing there, looking like every bit of uncomfortable anyone can look at.

Lethal doesn't take second to reply. "Name's Lethal. But yeah, close enough. What do you want?"

His hesitates for a moment before shakes his head. "I just wanted to thank you personally. You helped us caught the criminal and also exposed...Sebastian Becker."

REAPER (SERPENT'S MC: BOOK 3)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt