Chapter 3

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"How was your day, honey?" I can hear my mother asking from the other side of the phone. Not that it's something new. Every night she will ask me how my day was, hoping one day I will tell her that it was miserable.

So every day I do the opposite. 

"Oh, you know. Uneventful, peace-filled environment, friendly civilians, etc, etc." I hate to lie to her. Not as much I would do for my father. I think she knows it too. That's why I hear the loud scoff making me cringe. Here we go again...

"And?" She presses with a warning tone. I can even imagine her checking out her polish nails while she's thinking of thousand editable curses to throw at me. 

"And-" I trail off noticing Devon coming from his bedroom. When he sees me standing near the table holding a phone, he raises an eyebrow. I quickly mouth, 'mom' before he says something really weird for my mother dearest to fly out here. "And, I'm still alive."

"I see. But for how long?" I don't miss the heavy sigh. "Your brother is ready to settle down in a few months. You are older than him, Elenora. You should have been married off a long ago."

My breath hitches at the name Elenora. She knows how much I despise that name and she still manages to remind me every day why I hate it. Devon catches my sudden anger and he tries to reach for the phone but I step back, not wanting him to meddle in. He had done it before and it didn't exactly end on a happy note. 

Something akin to disappointment crawls in my chest before I can stop it. "Mother, I told you not to take that name. I am Olivia. Olivia Becker, the FBI. Why can't you ever take me seriously? Why can't you-"

I stop abruptly. She never did approve me being who I am. Always reminding me that what I was doing wasn't the right path for me. For her, I should have been married off and offer her some grandchildren years ago. 

"Can't what? Don't you think I know why you are doing this risky job? You want your father's attention, rebelling against me, doing yourself harm-" My jaw could have fallen on the ground if Devon wasn't there to look at me with wide eyes. I must have at some point hit the speaker as her bitter words fill the room. "I am worried about your future Elanora. You shouldn't be vying for your father, he is severely disappointed at you for what you choose for your life. Being childish enough to do these missions...You are not a kid anymore."

"Of fucking course, I am not a child anymore!" I think I can't ever talk to her without losing my shit. "And you think I risk my neck to save countless people because I want daddy's attention? Well, newsflash! I have been living without you two mingling with my life, just fine. So if you can't respect my decision, then go fuck yourself!" 

By the time I cut the call, I am fuming. How dare she accuse me like that? I chose this job because that's what I wanted to be. I wanted to help people, give them protection. And she straight cut accuses me of being a kid who wants her daddy's attention by rebelling around. Fuck, she makes our director sounds like a saint. 

A hand touches my shoulder making me jump. "Everything ok?"

"I-" I pause trying not to start bitching again. I already am worried about seeing the director after yesterday's disaster with Hunter. So I sigh and shake my head. "Doesn't matter. It's just mom being sexist and a snob."

"It didn't look like nothing, Olive. I have seen your work. You're dedicated to what you do, and for her to say that it was only for-"

I stop him by letting out a hearty chuckle. "Hey, I'm fine. Well, as long as the director doesn't have a word with me."

He stares at me, still not convinced that I'm fine but then sighs. "So, breakfast boost?"

"Hell, yes, I need it!" 

We laugh and make jokes like normal people without worrying about what to say next and how to use cutlery according to society. So, yes. I will always prefer Olivia Becker over Elenora any day. No matter what mom says, Elenora Olive Becker is better buried under the ground. Cause if only she knew what the old me did-

The morbid details will haunt her forever...


"I have to do what!?" 

It's not worse that I have blown off my mother with a classic fuck you over the phone, and now my director was possibly suspending me for office affair and doing sexual acts in the office. Fuck me...

"You heard me, Agent Becker. This kind of behavior is not allowed in the office. People look up to your for your bravery. You've solved many difficult cases in the years that you have been here. And now you will make a bad reputation-"

"Sir, it happened after my office hours-" I am cut off by his blinding glare. The same he uses on the important criminals. I'm forced to keep my mouth shut as he rambles the rules again and finally stopping with a barely-there smile.

"However I thought of giving you a case before your suspension for five years." Who the fuck gets a suspension for five fucking years? Apparently this girl. I think even he knows how ridiculous that sounds but he doesn't show any other emotion than his serious stick in the ass attitude.

"Ever heard of Lorenzo Vedi?" He suddenly asks, making me startled. I kick my brain to remember but it comes out empty. 

"Here's the file." He slams a heavy file on the desk. I take the manila file and turn the pages around with a frown. A solo mission? "The picture is of Lorenzo Vedi. He deals with drug and weapon trafficatking. He had a connection with the Mexican cartel a year ago which went wrong somehow. After someone tipped the cops, he was taken into prison. Just a few weeks ago some people confessed to being a witness of his crimes, including a couple of murder and theft."

"It's a good thing. So do you want me to protect the witnesses as the court date will be coming soon?" I ask watching a man with deep green eyes glaring at the photo. It must be taken before he was sent to prison. His lips are tightly shut, annoyance clear in his face. Not fear, interesting.

My heart skips a bit when he shakes his head. "No. In fact, your mission is to get him back to prison because he just escaped. He is angry at some rival biker club for ratting him out and he wants revenge on the whole town. He won't be satisfied with only a gang, he's going to hurt countless civilians including children if we don't get him back."

Shit. This was serious. Way too serious. 

"Where can he go? Do we have any clue?" 

"Southside." Another pang goes to my heart. It's way too close to my past. Fuck. "There's a biker club called the Southside Serpent's MC. Some member ratted Lorenzo out and he will go after him first. So you have to be there to stop him, Agent Becker. Think you can do that? Agent Gill wouldn't be with you this time. After catching you two, I don't think putting-"

"I can solve this case alone, sir." I blurt out, my throat getting dry. If I take this mission I will not only be in more risk but the chance of colliding with my past will be hanging over me like a death threat. 

And, that's how I find myself in the small town of Southside. The town I promised I would never look back to...

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