Chapter 2

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"Oh, yes. Please, Reaper!"

I hear her ragged breathe near my ears and all I can do is slam harder until she's withering under me. Until I can feel my dick disappearing between her legs again.

"F-Fuck!" A painful groan leaves from my lips as soon as I feel her coming around me. My hips work, sweat forming on my forehead to chase the climax my body so fucking needs. Not a second later my dick throbs and I'm shooting my load in the rubber.


Spent I fall back on the bed while she gets up with a pout. Fuck, I can't even remember her name. Quickly dressing up right before she opens the door to leave I stop her.

"No sneaking in later, remember? It's a one-time thing." I know we had a deal right before we stumbled into my bed and starts to fuck but it's better to remind them again. It has been like a goddamn pain in the ass when girls don't understand what a one night stand supposed to be and sneak in my room later without me knowing.

It's fucking creepy and totally a violation of my rules.

I don't sleep with the same person twice, period. No matter how good they are in bed.

Only when I hear a scoff that I remember that she's still gripping the door handle and rolling her eyes at me. "Look Reaper, you might rock the bed too well but you're not worth wasting time to find something other than...this."


I can't stop the grin from coming up. "And that's my girl."

"Not anymore! See you in the fight." I hear her laugh behind the door when it's clinched shut.

Ah, finally.

I lay there thinking back to how things got all fucked up. How I had to pick up the club after Snipper left with no such a message or goodbye. It's like suddenly he vanished into thin air and all the Serpents had no idea until a year ago, one night Lethal informed that Snipper bailed on us.

I mean, out of all the Serpents, Snipper bailed on us? Fuck, even Foxy being a Club President has a better chance of happening that than this bullshit.

The more I try to ignore it, the more my brain gets confused. Like, what the hell happened? He was happy here, wasn't he? He was our brother. The one we can go to if any of us fucked up then why didn't he came to any of us for help? Like I might not be serious about things but I know I could have helped him if only he breathed a word to me.

Then again there's Vixen's sister. She also vanished the same time he did. Was that anything to do with her?

I don't know.

I fucking don't know cause nobody thought I was worth knowing a thing.


"Where have you been?" I hear the annoying sound the moment I reach the arena. Wrapping around the gloves around my fists, my jaw aches to not sprew off some choice words. Fuck, if the idiot is here, it's going to be a long night.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" He repeats stopping in my path.

"Why Xavier?" I let out a chuckle, more like grit out. "You missing me? Foxy's not cutting it out for ya or something?"

"Fucking asshole!" He spits out raising his middle finger before disappearing to find most probably Foxy. Shaking my head, I try to find prez somewhere from this over hundred Serpents. When I have almost lost hope of finding him that I notice the vest of the president around the corner.

REAPER (SERPENT'S MC: BOOK 3)Where stories live. Discover now