Chapter 15

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Why did he care?

Was asking the question really worth it? Maybe not. Because even after two days I still didn't get an answer. I can take his concern as pity or merely wanting to help because I was one of the Serpents now. But other Serpents didn't get his eyes on them every fucking moment like he had on mine.

I didn't know whether to strangle him or offer him to fuck me again.

"You sure about everything?" Lethal's voice brings me back to the problem in my hand. I know he means well, but that sounds more like a warning. Make sure everything's ok or else! Focus, Olive. Focus.

My hands brush the hidden gun under my gown and I sigh. "Yeah, everything's cool."

As long as I don't see any of the members of String, I want to add badly. But Lethal is already nodding, his face oddly paranoid. Not that I blame him, Vixen had practically fought him in front of the serpents to come here with us.

Everyone's on alert when we walk through the entrance and approach one of the bouncers. He takes one look at me and grunts.


I give him my work ID with a polished smile. "Agent Becker and these are my guests." 

Director wasn't too happy when I told him to pull some help to get in but at the end, even he had to agree that if Lorenzo was really in the club, there was no way we were missing the chance to get him. 

The bouncer frowns looking behind me, especially stopping at Lethal before he nods. "Come on in."

The first thing is I notice when we enter the club is how huge it is. And it also means he could be hiding anywhere. If he is here. A voice reminds me but I ignore the voice, just for now.

"We will check out the back, you check in front. And don't hesitate to use the gun once you see any danger, got it?" Lethal warns looking around us with that look again. I am able to interpret it as his universal, 'stay the fuck away from trouble' look. But still, it makes me shudder. 

"You got it, Olive?" It's Vixen that gives me small smile and only when I nod that I see Lethal disappear with Vixen and Hawk back of the club. There's something must've already gotten his interest.

Speaking of interest, a hand snakes around my hips and I'm pushed far back from Lethal and the serpents. I would have already aim the gun at whoever it is, but my body already knows who it is. How pathetic is that?

"What do you think you are doing?" I grit out wandering my gaze around the club. Hawk was right about one thing, it was a VIP club and if it wasn't Adam giving me the information, I might as well have believed that Lorenzo can't afford to stay in a place like this.

I hear his voice clear over the music. "I'm merely helping you, sweetheart. After all, unity is strength."

Turning back, I'm not ready to see his Grey eyes only on me. I see Foxy and Rider behind him creeping in the crowd trying to find the asshole. I try to do that too. But something has me already distracted.


"Relax." Not helping Reaper. His hands on my shoulder are already making me wish they were somewhere else too. "We will get the fucker." 

"I know we will, but not if you distract me from doing my job." I feel the smile even before I hear the chuckle from behind.

"I distract you?" 

Swallowing hard I can't stop the retort. "I think you know the answer to that question already. So why don't you let me check in here where you check the other places?"

My wrists are snatched and I'm looking at a pair of angry grey eyes. He's tensed and something tells me that finding Lorenzo has nothing to do with that. "Why don't you ever let me fucking help you?"

Because the last person who wanted to help me ended up being dead.

Shaking my head, I swipe the club once more before pushing him back. He is too close for my own good. Too tempting. "You know why. We both know this-whatever you think you are doing will not be enough."

I almost don't hear his whisper. "Maybe I don't want it to be enough."

"You can't." I take another step back. "Just let the day end. We will talk, ok?"

There's no fucking way we were talking. If I had a saying, I wouldn't even get out of my room tonight. But he has to back off. For both of our sanity. I don't know if he believes me or not, but thankfully with a hard look, he also disappears over the dancing crowd. 

I didn't even realize that I was holding back my breath once he gets out of my sight. I breathe deeply and keep my searching. I think I even suspect him being in upstairs when I see some of the men missing from the database walking up to the stairs. 

I plan to just follow them. But all my plans come to a screech once I see the guys smoking just a few feet from me. Adam didn't lie when he said that I might get some familiar faces. And I guess I should have been prepared or something.

Because the moment one of their eyes turn to me, my pulse quickens. The urge to take the gun out or run overpowers but all I can do is walk towards them. I was crazy too even think about getting closer to them but it's like my feet has another mind and it's making choice for me.

A choice that can very well kill me.

"Ela, been a long time." The taller one grunts blowing the smoke right on my face. I cough at the sudden invasion but he only laughs at my misery.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Words keep coming. Angry, terrified, confused. "You knew I'd be here?"

They all share a look. The guy with the black hair laughs. "Damn girl, don't flatter yourself that much. This is where we usually hung out. You seem to be the additional fun today."

I don't know if I should be grateful that I wasn't being followed or just curse my fate for meeting them here when I wanted to be far away from them and thier business. Though I'm starting to curse again my stupidity when the taller one suddenly lifts his lips to an ugly smirk and even before he opens his mouth I know it's going to be something bad.

And it does. Almost enough to draw a pained groan from my dry throat. 

"Kai missed you by the way."

REAPER (SERPENT'S MC: BOOK 3)Where stories live. Discover now