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“The words 'I love you' take two seconds to say,two hours to explain and a lifetime to prove”          
      -pure love quotes.


    "For the upteenth time, whichever one you pick will look good on you," I groaned. Pissed, I know. But guess what, Shopping for tiaras isn't exactly what I thought I'd spend my afternoon doing.

   For Christ sake, I just couldn't understand why Liza insisted on wearing a tiara on her wedding day.

'It makes me feel like a princess' She had excitedly said when I bugged her about it.

So childish.

"Fine, fine. I'll just get this one and we can go see the caterer." She rolled her eyes.

A message popped up in my phone.

Where are you?

It was Stan. Liza left to pay for the tiara.

Tiara shopping with Liza, we are heading for the caterer's, Want to come?

Liza returned a moment later.

"Come on, miss grumpy. We should leave"

Just then my phone beeped.

I wouldn't like to intrude on your girl time. Why don't we have lunch instead?

"I don't have to ask, I already know who you are texting" Liza said lazily. "Get your ass off that chair"

I gathered my things and followed her out. Once in the car, I replied to Stan's text.

Sure, text me where.

"So..." Liza began,her eyes trained on the road as she drove effortlessly. "He's the one,huh?"

Liza was always over protective. Ever since I got back and introduced Stan to her, she's been throwing a lot of questions my way.

"I guess so."

"What do you mean you guess so? We don't 'guess so' when you have to spend the rest of your life with that person."

Her eyes darted to me for a second but quickly returned to the road.

"I feel like you're hiding something, Anny."

"And if I where?"

"You dare not," she sighed dramatically. "I'm your bestie"

"Guess what?"


"You are getting married and you're gonna be replaced." I grinned.

"You wouldn't."

I chuckled just as another text popped up in my phone. But this time, it wasn't from Stan.

Hi,Diane, it's John. Want to,maybe have lunch?

How did he get my number? I changed my number when I got to LA.


Luke wouldn't dare. He knows I would be pissed.

Mrs Sarah doesn't and Greg's in Paris, so...

"Anny, there's something I have to tell you..." Her voice trailed off and from the look in her eyes, I had an Idea  what she was about to say.

"You fucking gave him my number," I spat, not sure what came over me. I didn't expect Liza of all people to do that.

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