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   Diane's Pov
  My flowing gown caressed the soft grass. My glass shoes treaded on the grass so lightly as if it dreaded harming it. I could see him, my prince. He was so handsome. His eyes, his full lips......

"Wake up Diane, you're gonna be late for your blind date" Liza yelled.

I slowly sat on my bed as I rubbed my eyes.

It was a dream.

I wanted to pluck Liza's eyes for waking me up from my beautiful dream.

Oh! My blind date.

I jerked up from the bed. I glanced at the clock, it was already 1pm. I can't believe I'm gonna be late for my blind date. What if he thinks I stood him up?

I hurried into the bathroom and freshened up. I quickly applied light makeup. I didn't want him to see me as desperate. I tied my dark brown hair in a ponytail and put on a pair of jeans and an off shoulder top.

Good Enough .

I grabbed my bag and hurried to the living room.

"What the hell do you think you are wearing?"Liza asked the moment she set her eyes on me. Her hair hung limply over her forehead.

" Uhm..clothes? "I knew she was gonna eat me alive for dressing so casual for my date.

" Young woman, you better go in there and change" she ordered, with her hands on her hip.

Liza reminded me of my mum a lot. Bossy and nosy. Well she was my best friend so I had to put up with her.

I met Elizabeth in third grade and since then we became friends. We were more like sisters.

I ignored Liza's comment and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed a bag of chips from the cupboard and burst it open.

Liza snatched the bag of chips from my hands."Let me get this straight, you are going out for lunch, with a guy who is probably thinking you stood him up cause you're late and you're standing here snacking? "

I rolled my eyes.

"I just don't want to eat a lot with him there, you know, classy girl stuff" I snatched the bag of chips and ran out of the house.

"Bye mum" I shouted once I reached the door. I enjoyed teasing her.

I pulled up into the parking lot in my car and turned off the car. I took a deep breath. I looked up at the restaurant sign, MACHOLA. This is it.

I stepped out of the car. Realization hit me that I was already late. I hastened my footsteps and walked into the restaurant.

Where could he be? Did he already leave?

My gaze searched the restaurant for any sign of him. I had only seen his picture once. Liza's sister had set us up.

Brown curly hair, ocean blue eyes.

My gaze settled on a man at the other end of the restaurant, probably in his late twenties. His eyes constantly searched the restaurant. He had a sour expression.

That must be him.

I walked slowly to him.
"Excuse me, are you..." I felt giddy. This could be him. The man whom  I would spend the rest of my life with.

He slowly stood up as he broke into a smile,probably out of courtesy. I knew he was probably mad. "Hi, I'm Greg, You're Diane right?"

He put out his hand for a handshake and I  took it. He had a firm but gentle grip.
"Yes, nice to meet you"


We both sat down quietly. It was awkward. He motioned for one of the waitresses to come over.

"What would you like to have?" The young woman asked. She held a notepad.

I scanned the menu.

Remember, be cool.

"I'll have your  beef tenderloin with melted american cheese with a glass of your best wine" I stated.

She wrote down on her notepad."And you,Sir?"

"I'll just have the same but with a buttery hot sauce" Greg spoke with a smile.

The waitress left and I was left with Greg. I didn't know what to talk about.

"So...I heard you're an interior designer" he broke the awkward silence.

"Yes, I run my little firm. It's kinda small"

"That's nice, I guess you are the independent type"

"That's what my friends say" I chuckled."Enough about me, a big shot lawyer, how's that life?"

He laughed."Don't flatter me, I just work for JC enterprise, ever heard of them?"

"Are you kidding, who haven't heard of them, they  export oil, have their clothing line, manufacture cars and all that stuff, they are basically all over the market" I sang.

The waitress arrived with our order.

"You are really a fan" he joked.

"Not really, my friend goes on and on about how attractive the CEO is" I remarked. I placed the napkin on my legs, ready to devour my food.

"He really is" Greg whispered "Dig in"

We enjoyed lunch and he walked me to my car after settling the bill.

So polite.

"I really enjoyed myself, want to do this again?" He offered.

Of course I do. He's so cute.

"Whenever I'm free" I stated. Like I said, I don't want to seem desperate.

"Of course"

I felt so exhausted when I got home. It was already 3:45pm. I realized I had spent more than an hour with Greg. He was so cute and polite. When I apologized for being late, he brushed it off as nothing.

Dream guy.

I finally noticed that someone was in the kitchen.

"Liza?" I walked to the kitchen only to find my mum in there. "What are you doing here mum?"

She was feasting on the only food Liza and I had left. "How did you get in here?"

"We got the key to the house from Elizabeth"I heard my dad say from behind.

I turned and met his gaze. He had really grown lean.

"Anny, that's all you have to say? You haven't visited for so long, so here we are" my mum managed to say with her mouth full.

Eww mum.

My dad returned to the living room and I followed him.He settled on my couch and turned on the TV.

"It's good to see you dad"I mumbled. He smiled at me and turned to the TV.

"Then come visit us sometimes" he said. His voice was mixed with regret and hurt.

"I will"

After My mum was done eating, she joined us in the living room.

"We need to talk" she said as she walked over to a couch and sat down. Her hair looked kind of unkept. I could notice the wrinkles beneath her eyes. She had also grown lean.

"About what, mum?" I inquired.

I looked at my dad and I noticed he had a sad expression.

What could this be about?

My Happily Ever After? Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat