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  The soft side of love

Diane's POV

    I spent the past week thinking of ways to get back at him. How i would love to wipe that annoying smirk he puts on anytime he sees me off his face.

I sat on my bed thinking of possible ways to get my revenge.

Release venomous snakes into his room.

That will be too harsh.

Get rid of the stupid monkey he mentioned.

I have no idea were it is.

I jerked up from my bed as a flash bulb went on in my head.

The room.

I have to find out what is hidden in that room. And thus began my adventures. I tried opening the door with my hairpin, well, you can guess what happened, i failed miserably.

I tried every possible key I could find in the key box but it didn't work.

I sat on the floor, lips pressed together, trying to think of ways to knock down that door.

And then it hit me, if whatever is locked in that room is a secret, then he must personally keep the keys.

I got up from the floor,  with a broad grin.

I'm gonna search his room.

John was already at work and so I hurried to his room and locked the door behind me.

I searched the room frantically, throwing things around. After an hour long search, I couldn't find any key, just a packet of gummy bears which i plan to keep.

I returned to my room. Sighing in frustration, I collapsed on my bed.

Where could it be?

But wait! Wasn't this his room originally?

I looked  around and jumped off the bed.

"I'm so stupid, It must be here somewhere"

I searched the dresser and the drawers. I walked into the closet, frantically searching for the key. I almost gave up, but I came across a drawer that had a key on it. I opened it and found what I was looking for.


Key in hand, I hurried to the secret room. I contemplated a bit at the door.

What If I find something that I might regret finding?

Nothing good lies behind a locked door.

Forget all that, curiosity sucks.

I opened the door and went in. With the help of the small ray of light streaming through the curtain of the closed window, I found the light switch and turned it on.

What the actual fuck is this?

I jumped in joy once I heard a car pull up in the driveway.

He's back.

I had anticipated his return all day. I had finally gotten the card I needed.

Two can play this game.

Being so kind, i let him freshen up and change into his plain T-shirt and Pj bottoms.

He went down for dinner. I watched as Edna served his food, once I noticed she was gone, i strolled into the dining room with a Cheshire cat grin on my face.

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