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Dear future husband
         💠Meghan Trainor

Diane's POV

     I laid on the bed staring at the list. I brought out the second list. Actually, when I was 18,I had made a list of things I would do before marriage with my love.

But when I realized I was actually gonna get married to a jerk. I made a new list.

✅Threaten him.
✅Make him cook me breakfast.
✅Make him miss a day of work.
✅Get him drunk.
✅Get rid of his monkey. (If he really has one)
✅Take over his bedroom.
✅Spice up his breakfast(spicier than the spiciest)
✅Make him sing.
✅Make him clean all by himself. 
✅Make him sponsor a shopping spree with Liza.
✅Give him an annoying pet name. 
✅Take control of his house.

So far I had already taken over his bedroom and threatened him. Edna called me down for dinner.

After dinner I sat on the couch with my IPad. John had given the contract of designing the store back to my firm and so I had to work on a few designs.

It was already 9:00pm and he still wasn't back. Edna and Maggie had resigned to the staff quarters. My eyes were becoming heavy. Soon I heard a car drive in.

He entered and headed upstairs. I quickly got up and followed him.

"Where do you think you are going? "I jumped in front of him once I noticed he was heading for the elevator.

"Get the fuck out of my way "

"Are you forgetting you now sleep on the second floor? "I said, hands akimbo.

"Well I have to get my things"

"That's all been taken care of. Your precious suits and toiletries awaits you in your new abode"

He spun on his heels and went into the bedroom, slamming the door behind him.

Now I have to think of a name for him.

I went up the elevator with a smirk on my face. As I walked to my room, the door I had tried to open earlier caught my attention.

I wonder what is in there.

I tried to open it, but it was locked. I guess I have another thing to add to my list. I hurried to my comfy bed and went to sleep with a smile on my face.

"Good morning, sugar bunch"I giggled.

John was having his breakfast. He was sipping his coffee with his right hand and going through the newspaper with the left.

I sat next to him on the large dining table. He put down his newspaper and glared at me.

"What the fuck was that? "He sneered. His face scrunched in anger.

"Take a chill pill, Can't a wife call her loving husband names? Do you like it? I came up with it while I showered this morning"

"Don't you ever call me that"

I concentrated on the bacon and eggs and ate to my stomach's content. He stood up.

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