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God knows I try to feel
happy for you
Know that I am
Even if I Can't understand
If happy Is her
I'm happy for you
        ✏️ DEMI LOVATO


I took a swig of my glass.


Another swig.


I chugged down the entire burning liquid.

  "Not good enough"I reached out to grab another bottle of rum but Liza snatched it away.

"I think that's enough"She glared at me. "You just recovered from a hangover and now you're drinking again. Do you wanna die?"

It was already 8:00pm and I had no plans of going home. John wasn't gonna be there anyway. He would be at the Carter's with Tiara, ready to break their engagement plans right after our divorce.

  "Stupid John"

I jumped up from the couch.

"Where are you going?"Liza asked.

"To my lovely in-laws. I want to join in on the fun"I pouted.

Liza bolted from the couch. "Oh no you won't"Her pupils were huge and I couldn't help but giggle.

"Your eyes, they are so big"I slurred. I staggered towards the door but Liza pounced on me sending both of us crashing to the floor.

"I'm not gonna let you lose your pride"She pulled my leg and I struggled to break free.

"Let me go, I just want to..."And then I puked.

"Oh my God, Ewwww, Anny"She quickly pulled away from me while I giggled like an idiot.

"I told you to let me go"

Liza crossed her arm and just stood there, staring down at me. "Alright then, go."

"Why aren't you leaving?"She asked after a while.

I just burst into tears, bawling like a fool, for another fool.

Liza crouched down and pulled me into a hug. "Even though you smell like puke and you just ruined my floor, I still love you Anny. He's really not worth it"She stroked my back.

"But He...He was supposed to like me too"I burped "You know...Like in the movies. Am I that unlikable?"

She pulled away from me. "Greg likes you and honey, you said it yourself, John is stupid"

I struggled to get up. I knew it was stupid of me to want to go there and I was grateful that I had a friend like Liza during this times to slap some sense into me, Literally. But thank God there was no slapping today.

"I'm going home"

"Don't "Liza was quick to respond. "Don't let him see you all miserable. He should believe you don't care"


"No buts Anny, you're sleeping here and that's final"

Yeah, by her stance and expression, I knew it was indeed final.

"I can't believe I thought that jerk was hot. He isn't hot anymore"Liza muttered.

"I know you're just saying that to make me feel better"My feet were already working, and I staggered towards the room.

Right before I got in, Liza called after me, "But you gotta admit, he's still hot"


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