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Ugly heart

John's POV

"I can't believe you dad"I was losing it. "All I needed to do was get married right? Now I'm married, What's the problem? "

My dad laughed and pulled his head backward. It seemed like he was enjoying everything. He sat upright and handed over a file.

"What is this? "I asked.

"It says there that everything I own automatically becomes yours after 6 months of marriage"

"What!? "My hands slammed his large mahogany desk.

My dad leaned in. "Keep your voice down, John. I am not stupid John. You brought that poor girl home cause you wanted everything signed over to you. All you want is the money, but I want you to understand the importance of having a life partner "

I couldn't believe it. I thought it would be easy, get married and then have it all. But my dad was being unreasonable. How was i gonna live with that crazy woman for six months?

My initial plan was to get my inheritance and then pay her off but now I was stuck.

I angrily walked out of his study, slamming the door behind me.

"John"I clenched my fists. I wasn't ready to talk to him. I angrily turned.

"What do you want Gregory? "

"I've been meaning to talk to you about Anny... I mean Diane"

He calls her Anny? Who the hell does he think he is?

"I have no time for this"I said and turned on my heels barging out the front door.

   I couldn't stand breathing the same air with Greg. I don't care if he is my cousin, he brings out the demon in me. I can never forget what that traitor did.

    I got to the office. Luke was already waiting.

"How's being married bro? Your wife is so.... "

"Enough of this"I cut him off. "You are meant to be in your office, working"

"I just came to wish you a happy married life"he took a swig of his drink. "So have you gotten what you wanted? "

"I can't. I have to be married for at least six months. "

"You sound like it's torture. Just relax and have fun"

If only he knew the kind of crazy bitch I was married to.

"I will find a way. I have to get everything transferred to my name as soon as possible "

Luke chuckled. "Good luck, remember it's your dad you're going against "

My dad always got what he wanted. He had his way of manipulating people into doing what he wants.  After a hectic day of work,I finally got home and met that crazy woman smiling so brightly at me.

What has she done this time?

                  Diane's POV
I flashed my teeth once I noticed him walk in. He just headed upstairs. I made him dinner to compensate for my actions earlier,not that I wasn't planning on doing something stupid again,but I really needed to be on his good side,if possible.


I stood anxiously outside his room with the tray of food I had made for him.

"Who's that?" He sounded pissed.

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