Part-2 Chapter-8

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Mala lovingly pulled over the comforter over her daughter who looked in deep slumber after entertaining her little daughter for whole night. She picked up the naughty Anya who looked all charged up with two hours of sleep, ''You were made for your mother. Let's get to ready for the day.'' Holding Anya against her chest, Mala moved to the nursery. Her lips stretched into a smile watching Arjun getting his other daughter ready. She smiled watching him tenderly holding the baby as he dressed her up. he was so lost in her that he didn't notice Mala walking in. Mala shook her head, why couldn't Radhika see that the girls had become Arjun's reason to live and breathe. He loved them and beyond all limits

''You are a very good father.'' She said . Arjun smiled but didn't meet her eyes. He felt like a culprit who couldn't keep the trust of the family who gave their daughter to him. 

Mala understood, she patted his back, ''Its fine Arjun. Your love is pure and limitless. Be it for your parents, Radhika or your daughters. What you did in past was for the love of your parents and I forgive you for that.'' Arjun now looked up with a thankful smile.

''You massaged her before giving the bath?''

''Yes, I did. May be not as perfect as Radhika or you.'' he replied dressing his daughter up. Mala took Anusha and Handed Anya to him, ''Good! Now get this naughty one ready.'' He smiled and got busy with the noisy one. She made all kinds of faces and sounds as Arjun gently massaged and bathed her.  He dressed her up in pink as he bought her to his face level, ''Your granny said you are naughty. Are you?''

She just made a funny sound in response. He handed both the girls to Mala and took his leave. Arjun didn't wanted Radhika riled up finding him around Anusha but to his bad luck, she stood at the door glaring at him. He lowered his head and moved out, squeezing his body so that it doesn't rubbed with hers as Radhika refused to move from the path . Her eyes kept boring hole into his back till he disappeared. ''Are you going to eat him with you eyes?'' mala teased

''Not interested, he is yuck.''

''WOW! You made  two babies when he is yuck, had he been yummy god knows what would have happened.'' Radhika glared at her mother who just laughed uncaring. Mala handed the girls to the mother before moving out.

Arjun took a breather once he was alone in his room as he felt a burning hole in his back. He realised how easy it was to utter those words and how difficult it is get the forgiveness for the same.


Sam sat opposite to her laptop , her lips pressed together as she recalled her last meeting with Neil. Time and again she would laugh recalling his reaction when caught in towel.

''Sam are you here?'' Kritika asked, a little confused about the smile that stretched across Sam's lips.

''Ah..yes..yes! I liked your proposal , you can send me a copy of the same.'' Sam replied composing herself

Kirtika shared a look with Teji, ''Sam, we haven't started yet.''

Sam could feel the heat creeping up her cheek. 'Damn you Neil' She cursed in her head before turning her eyes to her team, ''Please send me the details, I will come back if I have question.'' She tried all to control her expression but one look on the confused faces for her team and she knew she had goofed it up all.

Kritika and Teji walked out looking confused and amused at the same time. Sam leaned on her chair quickly turning it around to face the wall. She ordered her mind to be in control but it instead laughed on her. When she would close her eyes, her moments with Neil would flash right on to her face. She opened her eyes smiling to herself, the idea to track Neil down backfired as she ended up being his target. 

Dreams.....Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora