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Radhika enthusiastically entered BS, today her dream was turning into a reality. Dressed in a peach kurta (shirt) and white colour legging she looked no better than a fresh pass out. The HR guided gave her a one look and then guided her to the allotted work station . Smiling wide Radhika pulled out her family picture and small Ganesha idol. keeping it on her desk, she joined her palms requesting God to help her realising her dream.

Zubin Kritika watched her from distance ''so she bought Lord Ganesha to save herself from us...Oh I am so scared'' Kritika laughed as Zubin pretended all terrified...Sam got a mail from the hR that Radhika would be working with her, she had marked a copy to Radhika as well. Sam got pissed...she didn't wanted to see her. Still thiking of how to get rid of her ,she heard a small knock. Radhika peeped in; ''May I come in''

Sam leaned on her chair; ''You are already half in....take a seat'' Radhika smiled walking to chair opposite to Sam...She kept on noticing her mind she was debating if Radhika was really that simple as she looked or she was just pretending it to be.

Sam got up and walked towards Radhika's chair ; ''Your drama of innocence worked with my mom . But it won't work on me. When I met you in Hrishikesh I thought you are just a sweet innocent girl...but no you turned out to be an opportunist. for your benefit you sabotaged my relationship with my mom '' Radhika tried to interrupt but Sam cut her off; ''you lied taking my name and now faking this goodness infornt of me'' Radhika knew anger snatches the ability to hear right so she decided to stay quite ...Sam tuned her chair with a jerk so that she could face her; ''If you want to stay here just focus on your work and less showing people how good you are''

Radhika just nodded , walking to the door Radhika stopped and looked at Sam; ''I never wanted to hurt you....I just wanted a chance to live my dream and I never fake...'' Radhika  stared into Sam's eyes for a minute before walking out. Radhika felt a little disappointed walking to her place . Neil stood in between...Radhika stopped abruptly...she blinked looking at Neil...but didn't smile...Neil tilted his head; ''Chashni  do you recognize me''

Radhika nodded ; ''Yes Neil Sir'' Neil gave a confused look; ''Sir??? I thought we were friends '' Radhika did not reply ...Neil understood, keeping an affectionate hand on her head he whispered; ''Don't know about others ...but I consider you a good friend ....are we good Chashni'' Radhika lifted her eyes up and finally smiled..Neil pushed his hands into his pocket. Giving her a dimpled smile ; ''So did you complete your song''

Radhika pouted like a child; ''No ....I am not able to write another left it''

Neil tapped his chin with his finger, pretending to be in a deep thought ; ''Hmm....someday it will get completed...who knows I might complete it. Ok one day I will take you to my place and sing together what say'' Radhika grinned wide agreeing to the thought...

Sam watched Neil laughing with Radhika, Picking her mobile she dialed Neil, waiting for him to look. He did...Sam disconnected turning away, behaving as if she felt nothing. Sam was sure Neil will follow her but he didn't he infact went on chatting with Radhika for few minutes before walking off to his cabin. He felt torn because of Sam's hot and cold attitude. One minute she would act all my property and next she would be swooning over the Handsome stranger.

Other than Neil it was Teji who spoke to Radhika in a friendly manner, while others gave her a cold shoulder either in order to support Sam or be good in her eyes. Sam called Zubin and asked him give Radhika some work to keep her busy...she hell cared if Radhika's talent was utilized or not. Zubin went through some pending client proposals in his system and then smiled. He mailed Radhika about the client . She was supposed to gather information on market penetration, competitors and sales .He also asked her do a survey with male employees in BS. She was given time till evening to give a rough presentation. Which would be attended by her seniors including Sam and Neil

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