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radhika woke up to an adorable sight, Arjun slept on his back with Anya sleeping on his chest , his arm around her protectively. While Anusha who had been wanting to sleep with her mother had now crawled to her father, sleeping peacefully on his extended arm, which had cocooned her. She smiled, 5 years she had imagined this and now it turned into a reality. Slowly leaving the bed, she covered them with a thin duvet, closing the door behind her.

Arjun stirred when he heard faint sound outside the room, he opened his eyes to realize to was morning already. He smiled at the two girls who slept soundly clinging to him, they had an off and he decided to let them sleep more. Slowly removing his hand from under Anusha's head, he gently moved to place Anya back on the bed, the girl opened her eyes and looked at him all sleepy. She then closed them again and patted him, ''Sleep daddy, sleep.'' He chuckled and placed on the bed moving out slowly, ''You are up!'' Radhika smiled . Arjun walked to her and wrapped his arms around her, ''Good morning Panoti!''

''Call me that and I will spank you.'' She warned. He smiled and pecked her cheek, ''I believe you  so just call it truce.''

''I will wake the girls up.'' She tried moving out of his arms

''Let them sleep, they must be tiered.'' 

''Doing what? If you grow lenient on them they will dance on your head.'' She adviced

''They are just babies and I am ready to let them dance all over me.'' he replied affectionately, she grinned wide and Arjun found himself falling in love with her all over again. He leaned and captured her lips with his, it felt as if the pain of years had started leaving his body. 

Radhika felt as if someone has just given back the missing piece of her life. Lost in the moment they forgot about the two trouble makers. ''Anusha ...Daddy  Mommy in TV.''Arjun Radhika pulled apart hearing the excited voice of their daughter, who ran back into the room to share the breaking news with her still sleeping sister,  ''I really need to know which TV she watches.'' he groaned

''First go and handle her or whole Singapore will know that we kissed.'' She pushed him to the room, too reluctant to deal with Anya's interrogation herself. After a minute she peeped in to find her husband answering all weird question of one sleeply and other alert moral police. She clicked a picture and messaged it to Nandini, like many others she had been doing since Arjun landed.

Nandini Smiled as she scrolled at the set of pictures, they were adorable. Radhika and Arjun both had been filling her inbox with pictures. She grinned wide to herself, ''What makes you this happy?'' Rana asked walking into her room 

''I am pitying the future boy friends of my little girls. Arjun won't approve any of them.''

''He isn't a Hitler.'' Rana supported Arjun.

''No kaka he isn't but just have a look at these pictures. He looks so possessive about them, I don't think the almighty has made a man that he would find suitable for his girls.''

''Now you are over reacting.'' Rana chuckled ''By the way he called me, he wanted few changes in girls room.''

Nandini who had been smiling till now frowned, ''Ask him to go to hell, I worked on that room for 4 yrs . That is for my girls and no one touches it.''

Rana blinked, ''RIP future boyfriends, the girls have a possessive aunt too.'' He made fun as he walked out of her room. She just smiled once, her phone pinged indicating a new message. She frowned a bit finding a message from someone unexpected, but the contents made her smile. She quickly responded and made her way out to instruct the staff about the evening.


Sam had been restless since Neil's little stunt. It was the day of hearing and now she was turning cold feet. She had been desperate to end the relation for days and now when the day of her freedom was finally here , she seemed to panicked. 

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