Chapter -10

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The small celebration ended as Neil picked his bag to leave; ''where are you going'' Zubin asked . "not me all of us, we have office. Get your bums moving. Radhika take an off and catch some sleep.''

''Guys we can work  from home, already the half day is over.'' Sam spoke glaring at Neil. Neil threw his bag over his shoulder; ''Bye Radhika''

''I would prefer Chashni'' She spoke sweetly like a child halting Neil's steps. He turned and smiled wide watching her grinning wide. ''Stay Neil, I never got a chance to have a big friends get together like this. ''

''Never???'' Teji asked astonished. Radhika nodded. ''Like never'' Kritika asked Radhika , watching her as if she was from mental asylum.

Radhika sat on the floor with a thud; ''Back home all I heard were opinions, that girl is too fast. She will spoil you. Don't call that girl home , there are rumours about her. Come home on time. Why aren't you friends with Rinku , she knows all house hold chores '' Radhika looked at the listeners; ''I wanted to make friends of my own choice, when I met Sam and Neil. I knew what I exactly wanted. To be a little more fierce like Sam, funny like Neil. This is why I wanted this one year so bad''

Sam hugged Radhika from back sitting on her knees; ''Don't worry I will make you a tigress by end of the year'' Radhika looked at Neil, he rolled his eyes; ''I will help you complete all your songs'' Radhika frowned, Neil looked away then gave up with a huff; ''Fine , Kritika Zubin go and get the important files and laptops from office and  Teji get the permission from Piyali ma'am as you look the sweetest'' He turned to Radhika; ''Happy drama queen'' Radhika nodded vigorously  and jumped up; ''I will cook foreveryone''

''You know how to??'' Teji asked little scared. ''I am good'' Radhika lifted her chin walking to the kitchen; But,,''

''But we don't have utensils and grocery'' Sam completed for her , turning to Teji she kind of ordered; ''Teji you get some stuff in this list, Kritika will get the permission as she is going over with Zubin. I will get grocery and Teji you meet me at the store , we will come back together'' Radhika looked at Teji, Zubin and Kritika. She understood the friction between Neil and Sam . Like all , she too hated it, calling Teji in a corner Radhika whispered her plan. Teji made an excuse and ran away so did Zubin Kiritika. Radhika bundled Neil and Sam together. Patting her back she picked the broom ans started cleaning the house.

Sam Neil kept throwing daggers through eyes and fruits in troley with equal intensity. ''I don''t want apple'' Sam said curt. ''Who said its for you, its for my Chashni''

''She loves chocolates not fruits, she is like me'' Sam replied smirking . ''Time she improves'' Neil replied trying to be casual. Irritated Sam threw an apple on him which landed on a man's head standing behind Neil , as Neil ducked. The Man abruptly turned to check on the culprit but found none as Sam had already ran to the other corner and neil was smelling and tasting spinach like a goat. Once the man walked out that area Sam broke into fits odd laughter. ''That was fun''

''You will get me killed some day Samrunder singh'' Sam smiled hearing the the nick name  ; ''Why do fight me Neil''

''Because you make stupid choices'' Neil replied slapping her head. Sam rubbed the spot; ''what bad choices'' Neil picked up few fruits; ''Arjun, he isn't good for you''

''I don't feel that, we blend  perfectly '' Neil shook hi head; ''You feel that , but Sam certain things and people might feel safe but actually are poisonous  for us'' 

''What do you mean'' Neil picked up a pineapple and an apple. ''He is a Pineapple with thorns you are an orange looks hard but soft from inside. He is harmful for you and he can break us'' Sam looked at Neil's hands holding fruits; ''And who is this apple''

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