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Ankush unlocked his apartment door with great difficulty; the food festival in his restaurant had kept him on his toes. He hadn't slept for weeks. The festival which lasted a month, had showcased and served world's best cuisine. The over flowing crowd had kept the staff running and busy. Today being the last day, they had celebrated after pulling the shutters down. His Boss had given him a handsome hike and Ankush had decided to save it to pay Arjun back. The mere thought of the man sent his temper soaring, he was dead worried about his baby sister. He just wanted to pull her out of the mess.

He entered the dark apartment past midnight, moving his tired hand over the wall for the switch. He was drowsy and hardly could stand, he just wanted to change and crash on the bed. Ankush dropped his bag carelessly in a corner , his hand finally found the switch as he switched it one he lost all his sleep. In the center if the room stood Manya with a cake in her hands, her eyes glowing in happiness, ''Happy B'day Ankush.'' He gulped the dryness, he himself had forgotten. Work hadn't permitted him to take calls from home, he had been on toes. He took steps to her , ''Thanks!''

''I made it, come lets celebrate.'' She excitedly lit the single candle , her eyes watched him expectantly waiting for him to appreciate her work. Ankush made a small cut , pulling out a small piece he lifted it to her, ''You are skeptical about tasting my cake first.''

Shaking his head, he quickly kept the piece in his mouth, ''No, just wanted to thank my amazing friend. Its just too good.''

''I want to be more than a friend.'' This is what he feared. He knew she loved him, but his broken and bruised heart was scared to commit. Ankush took a deep breath, ''Manya we aren't good match. You are even younger than Radhika.''

''But I am an adult. Why do you have to compare my age with your sister.''

''You are getting carried away. Like me , you too are looking for affection. It happens when one misses their family. Gradually you will be over it.''

''Why do keep comparing me with the one who forgot you with distance ? I am not her.'' She pleaded

''I am scared'' he accepted. Manya moved a little closer. She cupped his face, ''I am not forcing, just asking for a chance. I really love you Ankush, and I won't love anyone ever again.'' He just kept staring at her face, she added, ''Watch me like that and I ll fall deeper. Let me make one thing clear , I am not leaving even if you push me out of this house.''

''Why would I do that?'' He asked confused

''because I have moved in.'' He was about to retaliate but she stopped him, ''I am not going to rape you, we will stay as friends till you fall for me. ''

''What will you parents think?'' He tried to reason

''Did they think before pushing me away and leaving me alone in this country, and I not telling them.'' He watched her stubborn face.

''Fine, I will sleep on couch.''

''But we both can fit on the bed perfectly'' She reasoned. It was time for him to raise a finger, ''I accepted your condition , you accept mine. Deal!''

''Deal!'' She chirped. Ankush walked off to freshen up and Manya patted herself for success of her first step.


When Radhika opened her eyes, she found herself in Arjun's arms. he had cocooned her like a baby. Last night they had broken another wall, she reintroduced herself so did her. they shared experiences likes and dislikes. When they reached the bed, he asked if he could hold her . After thought she allowed him to. She watched his sleeping face, he looked calm like a child. Removing his hand she slowly left the bed a smiled plastered on her face. She quickly got ready and pulled her bag out, the strap of BS ID hanging took her attention and a part of her heart broke. Closing her eyes she controlled the emotions, she had taken a decision and had decided to stick to it.

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