Chapter 33

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Sam somehow managed to walk Neil to his room. He just continued with the drunk drama , greedy to have her attention for some more time. Sam laid him down on the bed crashing on the couch next to it all exhausted. She had made a mental note to ask Neil to work on his weight. Neil watched her exhausted form from the corner of his eyes, he started his blabber drama again, ''I love you my Queen.''

Sam went alert. She slowly moved near him , anxious to know who the queen was. Her heart thudded with anticipation, praying it wasn't Radhika. She knew, she was acting selfish not happy about Neil falling for someone, but she couldn't explain that to her heart. She patted his cheek, trying to wake him up, ''Who is you Queen Neil?''

''Who are you?'' He asked without opening his eyes.

''I am the maid who escorted his Excellency to his chambers, you promised to reward me.'' Sam replied with a roll of her eyes.

Neil now opened his eyes staring at her as if she landed from Mars, ''I am not that kind of a ruler, I respect women. Get out, before my Queen chucks you out.'' Sam opened and closed her jaw, he took her reward demand to some other direction. She slapped his chest, ''Idiot, tell me who is your Queen.''

''You will be executed in the morning for calling your King idiot.'' He replied , still in his character.

''But before that, I will rip king of his virtue.'' Sam teased. Neil wanted to laugh, this what he missed. Their baseless, meaningless banters. Everything had a hidden meaning yet it was fun. Keeping the act intact he rolled away from her, ''Your husband will be heartbroken'' Sam came on all four and prowled towards him slowly, ''Who will tell him? Let's enjoy my king.''

'''But I love my Queen and I am never going to betray her.''

''Who is your Queen , please tell me and I will leave.'' Sam now pleaded. She was desperate to know the name. Neil turned his face away, he knew with her eyes digging into him he wouldn't be able to keep the act for a second more. He whispered, ''She is my Samrinder Singh.'' Sam gasped.

He turned on to his back and stared at the ceiling, ''She is my Queen, since I saw her for the first time. I am never going to betray her, come what may.'' Sam turned emotional, moving closer she kept her head on his chest. ''You should sleep your highness.'' Neil closed his eyes, Sam extended her arm and switched of the lights going back to her position. She couldn't help but think , she caught Arjun with Bonnie. Once in her house and then, his cabin. The story he recited , seemed disconnected. Her eyes went on sleeping Neil, not even once he had betrayed her in these years. More than Arjun, she feared losing this man. Wrapping her arm around his middle, she gave in to the approaching blissful slumber.

Morning, the luxury Goa hotel woke up to an excited crowd. People were excited about rest of the plans for the day. Some opted for company transport for site seeing , while others picked up rented bikes. Radhika knew, Arjun would blackmail her to spend time with him. She couldn't even talk to Sam as the later didn't return to the room for the night. Hearing the knock she moved and unlocked the door, ''Sam where were you? I was so worried about you.''

Sam yawned and then pulled Radhika's cheek, ''Sorry Chashni, I crashed in Neil's room.''

''Fine, forgiven. Now, get ready we are going out.'' Radhika chirped. Sam pressed her lips. She had promised Neil her day today and somehow wanted to keep her word. She knew , even Arjun would ask her to join and right now, Radhika looked like a perfect escape. Sam eyed her with a big grin on her face. Radhika stepped back, ''What are you staring at?''

''You love me right?'' Sam asked She nodded and Sam added, ''Please accompany Arjun, I promised to be with him, but I promised Neil too. I don't want either of them to feel bad, but today I want to be with Neil. Please keep Arjun busy.''

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