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''Why are you going Sammy?'' Anusha asked , her face gloomy. Sam cupped her small face in her palms, ''We will meet soon sweet heart!''

''When?'' That came from Anya

''Soon, I promise.'' She pulled the two girls into a loving hug. The girls lifted their tiny arms for Neil. He smiled, squatted and hugged them tight, ''Love you both.'' He then turned to his friends, ''Now, since we promised our two little friends that we are going to meet soon, you two better hurry.'' Arjun smiled and gave him a tight hug.

''Sam, I am sorry for everything and I am apologising to you too Radhika.'' The two friends looked at each and then at Arjun in surprise

''Why suddenly?'' Sam asked

''Well, I think I would never want any kind of pain to touch my girls and I didn't realise in my madness I gave pain not just to you but your families too.''

''Someone has rightly said, A man understands a female the day he fathers one and you have two. The world's most beautiful ones.'' Neil said. Sam gave Arjun a friendly hug, ''You know what Mr. Mehra, you are an amazing dad.'' They took their leave with a promise to see each other again.


Neil was still smiling recalling the union with his friends, the life which seemed to have turned upside down was now back in track.

''They love you so much.'' Neil said looking at lost Sam. She smiled, ''You know Neil, Radhika is their mother but me and Nandini di were there in every moment. I saw them growing up into beautiful girls, they gave me the smiles when I was in tears. So , yes I love them too.''

 Neil took Sam's hand into his, ''I want one of ours too.''

She gaped at him, ''Are you serious? I mean, if you want time I am fine with it.''

''No, I don't. I too want my family.'' Sam smiled and nodded, feeling elated she hugged Neil tight.


''Daddy, Cinderella stroy today.'' The girls clapped in excitement. That was one story they wanted a lot. Arjun started narrating the story, when he got completely involved it, he was interrupted, ''Daddy, you said Cinderella wore a blue dress , then how did it turn pink?''

Arjun blinked he actually couldn't recall what colour he mentioned the last time about the ball dress but since the question had been popped he had to answer it now,''You don't wear the same dress daily right, so she also changed.''

Radhika pressed her lips, it was fun too watch Arjun answering all their questions patiently. She found hard to believe he was the the same man she irritated all those years and back and he would lose his temper at the snap of fingers. 

He caressed their head as they dozed off. He sat there watching them sleep, a kind of daily ritual. Radhika tapped his shoulder, ''We too should sleep.'' He nodded

Radhika placed her head on Arjun's shoulder as his fingers started massaging her scalp, ''Where are you lost?'' Radhika asked

''I was thinking about the best schools in Mumbai.'' Radhika lifted her head up, gaping at Arjun, ''Your expression was as if your company is facing a big crisis, and all you are worried about is school.''

''Hey, that's the most important thing. My girls should get the best.'' He sounded defensive

''There is a world other than your daughters.'' She said , her indication towards self

He smiled, ''But they come first.'' Their eyes locked, she grinned wide. Placing her head back on to chest she said, ''You are actually a very good father.''

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