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''You are leaving when I need you the most. You promised one year, how can you marry now.'' Sam whined like child as she watched Radhika packing her stuff. Radhika left all work and walked to Sam, enveloping her in a hug she consoled her dear friend, ''Sam, I am not going forever. Saral had decided to send me back so that I complete my year here and this means even after marrying Saral, I am going to be your live-in partner. What say ready for an sizzling extra marital affair.'' Sam wanted to laugh, but controlled. Radhika poked her sides, making Sam squeeze her body. After a minute she burst out into giggles of laughter, both girls threw their bodies on the bed and lay side by side staring at the ceiling, ''I will miss you Chasni. Wish I had known you earlier, you complete something in me.''

Radhika turned to her, cupping her face she assured, ''Sam, I thought of sharing this later, but since you so sad let me just break the news to you.'' Sam stared at her friend expectantly, ''Saral is planning to find something in Mumbai, so that I can full fill my dream.'' 

Sam jumped up, ''Are you serious.'' Radhika nodded, and next moment Sam was her, crushing her down with her weight, ''Sammy , I can't breathe.''

''That's fine, one sec won't kill you. I am so happy Chashni. Let's go out. Get ready.'' She pushed Radhika in the changing room and gave one of her dresses. When Radhika stepped out out, Sam couldn't help but smile in appreciation. She wondered why her dear friend always hid herself under simple clothes. She dragged Radhika to the dresser and did her hair and make up. Sam changed into a short party wear and drove to her favourite disc. ''Let's party, to your marrige and to my love.''

''So when are you marrying Arjun Sir.''

''Never, because I love Neil.'' Radhika blinked, screamed and pulled Sam in a hug. Both the girls jumped at their places hugging each other, earning weird glances from the others on the floor. ''Are they gay.'' said one girl

''Well they look that to me.'' Said the guy dancing with her. The girls looked at each other and decided to play along. They danced rather close to each other, making others scrunch faces. Sam pretended kissing Radhika, hiding both their faces in the curtain of their dark hair. Radhika played along and then moved back shyly wiping her lips. In some time the crowd around them moved to a safe distance as the girls pretended drunk and started flirting with other girls. They left the place after midnight laughing their heart out at the disgusted crowd around them. 


''I am sorry, but I don't love you Arjun. I guess it was just an infatuation or a momentary happiness of having a a guy like you taking interest in me. But after spending time with you I realised, I never wanted a brooding serious hunk. All I wanted was a dimpled happy go lucky smile. '' She turned her eyes to Arjun, who stood with a grim expression, inside he was burning with rage. His plan fell flat on face. He was dreaming about about making Sam go crazy in his love and then brutally break her heart. But now his hard of months seemed crumbling down.

''And I should thank Chashni for that. Hadn't she stepped into my life and befriended Neil. I would have never understood my feelings for him and guess what, she admitted planning all of it so that I realise my true love.'' 

Arjun didn't react, he was mad at Radhika. She came like a storm and uprooted his world. He lost his heart, and because of that he lost his plan too. Had he tried controlling his feeling and had invested in keeping the distance between Neil and Sam. Things would have been different.But he had to fall, and for the girl who was determined to unmask him.

''Say something ?'' Sam's voice broke his stance. His eyes turned murderous, ''What do you expect me to say, I am fine Sam. Oh I am so glad. In all this drama, I am who look like a fool.'' He lifted his finger angrily at her and then just turned away, ''get out before I lose my senses.''  He warned turning away from her. Sam was taken aback, she had never seen this rude side of him. For a moment she was glad that she let Arjun go. Without wasting a minute she walked out of his cabin , moving to Neil's. To her surprise, he hadn't reported to work since 2 consecutive days. She dialled his number and IVR said the number was out of coverage area. She wondered where he could be, and that to without informing her. She shook her head to let go any negatives thoughts, she decided to utilize the time to  prepare and surprise and floor him with her proposal to sweep him off his feet. For the first time in years Sam was happy. She decided to let Neil know after attending, Radhika's wedding.

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