Part-2- Chapter-4

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Arjun smiled as he noticed Radhika adjusting little Anusha in her arms, she further leaned and pecked the baby who made a small sound. He felt his heart soar in happiness and just when he felt life was beautiful his eyes fell on Sam staring at him with a smirk, ''Are you planning to drive or should I ask do you know how to drive.'' Arjun quickly composed himself, took the wheel driving off. He parked at the apartment and stepped out watching Radhika and his daughters affectionately .

''We will take about an hour.'' Nandini informed before moving in. Sam eyed him from top to bottom before following Radhika in. Placing the baby on the bed Sam quickly made her way to the balcony, she found the chauffeur weird as he had been just staring at Radhika. Just when her detective insights started kicking in, he removed the turban. She smiled, ''Revenge is sweet when against a new father.''

Her eyes went to Radhika who was busy talking to her daughters. Sam smiled, she was happy for her friend but she was going to teach Arjun a lesson of lifetime for troubling her and her best friend.

''Radhika, I have packed all the stuff.'' Nandini informed offering Radhika a plate of fruits. When Radhika made a face Nandini scolded her and mentioned her kids forcing Radhika to finish it.

''We are ready to go. I will take the bags, you come with Sam and girls.'' Nandini informed

''Wait di! Why should you? I have help.'' Moving to the balcony, she whistled making Arjun look up. Sam gestured him in a commanding way to come upstairs, he did. ''Take all the bags and we will be down in 10 mins.'' Nandini blinked, she looked from Sam to Arjun, ''Common, lift them. It's just 3 tiny winy bags.'' Arjun cursed under the breath, lifted the bags and made his way to the elevator. Nandini still was frozen, ''I deserve a little revenge di.'' Sam said rubbing Nandini's arm, she realised Sam knows the truth. Nandini nodded , she wanted to see how long her impatient brother could handle the torment for his daughters and his wife.

''We are good to go.'' Radhika said holding her babies each in an arm. Sam quickly took Anya, ''We were about to begin a discussion on male behaviour. I will continue that during the drive.'' Radhika gave Sam a confused look while Nandini just rubbed her forehead, she had a fair idea what Sam was up to.

Arjun watched as Nandini helped Radhika taking Anusha from her. His heart pained looking at the tired lines of the face which always smiled. He knew it was him who was to be blamed and vowed to set it right. His thoughts were broken when Sam whistled again like a rowdy asking him to drive


Mishra house had been bustling since Sam had informed them about Radhika. Dilip Mala and Dadaji just wanted to have a glimpse of their darling choti. Though , the news of her mother hood took time to sink in but it bought immense joy to her family. They silently wished for Ankush to be there but he was far living his dream and expressed his happiness hearing about is missing sister.

''You guys will make us miss the flight. Why are you so slow?'' Dadaji admonished Dilip and Mala

Dilip shook his head, ''Our flight is in the late evening.''

''So, aren't we suppose to drive to the airport. It is going to be late if you guys don't finish the packing.'' He sounded serious. Dilip Mala quickly packed before the would get more from Dadaji.

Mala caressed the picture that Sam had shared, she was overwhelmed. These months had been the longest of her life. She had spend numerous nights crying and praying for her daughter. Every morning each of them would get up with a hope that she would call. Their prayers finally got answered when Sam called and briefed them on Radhika, she ensured Mala that Radhika was safe and she had been with Sam all the time. When Sam mentioned about Radhika going back to Mumbai with Nandini, Mala took a breather. Her daughter's wedding had been the talk of the town for months. Arjun had openly demonstrated his desire for her youngest child and Radhika married him to keep Mishra property and Sam safe. Mala didn't wanted more trouble for her little girl. She made a small prayer to the all mighty to give courage to her daughter before leaving for airport, little did she know that Radhika was all the way more determined and it was Arun who needed all the prayers now.

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