reset your life

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how to reset your life and start motivated and organised in the new year
- a thread

• deep clean your space
• declutter everything: start with your closet (this is usually the most difficult part), then continue with books and other things; i can highly recommend the book "the life changing magic of tidying up" for minimalism and organisation
• reorganise your space and give everything you own a place
• create a vision board; search for pictures on pintrest or weheartit that represent your dream life; it will help you to remind your goals throughout the year and motivate you whenever you feel overwhelmed
• plan your next year: what do you wanna achieve? what do you wanna do until the end of next year? ( e.g. a trip to china, a yoga class, going to a food festival etc); how do you wanna feel next year?
• review this year; what did you achieve? what could you have done better? it'll help you to know what goals you have to set for yourself or on what you have to focus to live the life you dream of
• set goals; long-term but also short term goals:
i like to set myself goals for the whole year but break them into chunks so i have a few goals for every month i can really focus on
• declutter your virtual space (laptop, your phone, e-mail account etc)
• get yourself a planner or start a bujo
• if there are any left to-dos of this year make sure you do them until the end of december; phone your dentist, donate your clothes etc- but there's nothing that unmotivates you more than bringing things into the new year you haven't done the last 12 months lmao.

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