raise vibrations

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how to raise your vibrations and be happier
- a thread

• practice gratitude!! i honestly can't encourage you more to be grateful for even the smallest things you have in your life; be grateful for your health, for your eyes, for the access to food and water or even be grateful for having a house to live in
• don't judge others; by bringing other people down you automatically won't feel the best and it won't bring you joy either; you don't know their story so don't ever judge (if youre feeling triggered ask yourself why you feel the need to judge that person)
• live in the now; don't think about what might happen in the future or what has happened in the past - just enjoy today
• accept yourself for who you are:
if you're extroverted or introverted, don't drink alcohol while everyone else does or you just enjoy being alone - it's fine,,, you know best when you feel great and in which circumstances you feel the happiest so just do the things and live the life that makes you feel good; just do what feels right and it will automatically makes you feel fulfilled because youre being youre authentic you
• be with people who encourage you to be the best self you can be
• accept and respect everyone; no matter what their struggles in life are, how they look like, no matter what they're wearing, no matter how they behave - just be empathetic and try to be understanding and kind.
• be kind even if some people aren't, how they behave is on them

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