fresh start

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simple ways for a fresh start
- a thread

- clean your room; and i'm talking about a makeover: reorganize your things, rearrange your furniture, give  stuff away that you don't use anymore
- clean your virtual space; with that i mean laptop, tablet, phone or whatever you use: delete apps and contacts from your phone, organize photos and music and organize all files into labeled folders
- make a list of your goals
- make a mood board
- change your wallpaper on your phone
- sell or donate clothes you haven't worn in a long time
- make a life map; it could be a list or an actual map but what's important is that you get an overview of all the parts of your life,and you get to know which are most important and you want to focus on
- review your past year; make a highlight page and write everything down that happened to you (good and bad)

disclaimer: you don't have to wait for next year; just start right now even if it's just changing your phone wallpaper

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