Bathroom Blues

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OK guys so hope you like this chapter, and thank you so much for everyone who supports my book! I honestly thought this would never get over 100 reads!!

Oh! And You're going to see a nicer side of Dominic. Or at least I think it's a nicer side! Anyway, enjoy!

Dominic watched Stef tap her fork on her plate. She was nervous. He could tell. She wouldn't look him directly in the eyes. She wasn't really talking and she looked like she wanted to make an excuse and escape through the bathroom window.

This was a first for Dominic. Rarely were his dates this quiet. Usually they would try to talk him up, ask him a multitude of questions and throw in sexual innuendos. Stefania was doing nothing of what his usual dates did. He felt like he had to step up to the plate. Since they were going 'make things work.'

"You know I'm not going to lash out on you if you talk," he said dryly as she glared at him and her phone buzzed. She quickly read the message and then placed it in her lap. Dominic raised an eyebrow. "Talking yo your secret boyfriend?"

She looked away from him with a blush. "No, I have a fiancé," she said with a small smile on her face. "What kind of person do you think I am?"

Dominic shrugged and sighed as her phone went off again. "Let me see your phone," he said as she shook her head. "Why not?" He asked her, trying not to show agitation in his voice.

"Because it's mine...and I don't want you to," she commented as she continued to eat her pancakes. He glared at her and ordered another drink. It seemed every time he took a sip, she looked irked. "Do you have to drink every five minutes?" She asked, it sounded harmless but he could tell she was angry.

"Yeah. To keep myself sane," he commented as Stef rolled her eyes. Then something occurred to him. He had never seen her drink. Only once. When his idiot family pressured her. There was alcohol all over the house and he had never seen her drink an ounce. "Why don't you ever drink?"

She drowned her pancakes in syrup." My dad was an alcoholic. He's been sober for six years now..."

Dominic raised an eyebrow. "Your father? A drinker?" That was a real surprise. Her father loved gambling but he had never seen him drink...he didn't look like a drunk.

She nodded. She seemed a little upset about the whole thing. "Yup...almost broke the family apart but look at us now....? Or look at them now. Happy," she said with an edge of spite in her voice.

"That bad? Did he ever hurt you?" Dominic asked nonchalantly,dying to know if that bastard ever laid a hand on her. He would probably burn that little place to the ground. He wouldn't be able to physically hurt him or else he would risk Stefania...

Stefania shrugged. "These pancakes are good."

"Stefania," he warned.

"He just wasn't in his right mind ok. He was just calm down and don't judge me for not being angry with him. He's been through counseling and everything and...just I don't want to talk about it."

Dominic glared at her and clenched his drink. "So he hit you?"

Stef chewed on her bottom lip which he couldn't stand. She looked so damn sexy doing that. It was morning he shouldn't be thinking about sleeping with her this early. " mom would distract him away from me.My mom got it worse. Then he got help...and he never ever laid a hand on us again."

Dominic shook his head. How could she not hate him? Resent him? His father was abusive as hell. Sober and non sober and he couldn't wait to stick it to the old fucker. "Is that why you have those nightmares?" He asked her as she gave him a skeptical look.

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