Bonus: Bachelor/Bachelorette

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So I promised that I would do two bonus chapters of you guys's choosing and this is the first one. Bachelor/ Bachelorette party. I know it's so late but it just reached 501k reads so I figured why not finally finish this chapter and gift you guys for loving this book. I really had fun revisiting these characters because they're my babies:(

Anyway enjoy and please vote and comment!


"Wren if you got strippers, I'm killing you. Emmy can smell cheap perfume a mile away and I like myself alive and all limbs attached."

Dominic downed his third drink, throwing an annoyed look at his cousin who seemed almost paranoid of a stripper popping up randomly and forcing him into a lap dance.

Strippers were Tony's weakness and everyone knew it. Hell, that was how he met Emmy. Dominic didn't care. They were fun. They were talented. And master manipulators.

He would never tell her this but Stef had all the makings of a good stripper. She was fun, she was a manipulator when it came to getting their daughter or her something they wanted. She just needed to be talented. His fiancé couldn't dance. For her life. He wouldn't have her any other way though.

Wren chuckled, grabbing the bottle Tony had cradled half the night, "I promise you no strippers are gonna touch me or you tonight bro...cause they'll be all over Dominic!"

Dominic shook his head as he observe his brother. He was drunk. Not just tipsy, but extremely ever loving out of his mind drunk.

"Dominic I hope you are enjoying everything my club has to offer you!" Dominic glanced at the club owner, not taking to kindly at how he addressed him. "Ah...I meant Mr. Moretti, I didn't mean to get so formal."

Dominic sipped on his drink, hiding his smirk. "Don't do it again," he warned, as the man gave him a card.

"That's good for whenever you and your men or your misses wanna get into here. Free of charge, sir," the man smiled as Dominic tucked the card into his pocket. After staring at the man for a few more seconds he awkwardly left.

Instead of focusing on the odd and sweaty owner he shook his head from side to side trying to psyche himself up. He glared down at the cup of the good stuff, before drinking it down quickly. "Fuck," he smirked slamming the cup down and feeling a hand on his shoulder. It was Tony.

He had a glassy look to his eyes and was smiling widely. "Get a load of Wren." Dominic thought that Wren was just near him but then again that could have been twenty minutes ago. The alcohol had his mind a little more than fucked up...

His eyes roamed to where his cousin was pointing. Wren was slumped over the bar, laughing hysterically. He shook his head realizing he didn't even finish the palette of whiskey that he had.

Dominic and Tony were the first ones to drink down all of the liquor, in this expensive whiskey tasting set. Wren had two more to go and the rest of his groomsmen had one. It was to bad that they all had a few beers before coming here or else they wouldn't be that fucked up. But Dominic knew he was all types of screwed.

"Wren what the hell are you laughing at?" He questioned, stumbling up to a standing position as he walked over to his brother. "Wren, you're the coordinator of this thing, don't we have one more place to go?"

Then he could pass out in the comfort of his damn home. With Stef to look down disapprovingly at him while he puked all morning. "Yeah, man!" He announced, quickly standing up, before he stumbled into Dominic.

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