The Great Escape

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Stef was terrified as she sat outside of the cabin, crouching down with Wren's keys in her pocket. A deep burn of guilt bubbled in her stomach. She couldn't believe what she did. She took one of her sleeping pills she used some times when she had trouble getting to sleep and crushed it into Wren's burger he made for himself. He was sleeping in no less than twenty minutes. She knew it was wrong but she couldn't live with the guilt knowing that she had the ability to help a couple who had no hope. She wasn't the type of person who just sat there and did nothing while other people were at risk.

She didn't see another car so she didn't think that Chris was in the cabin. She would try every key till she found the cabin one then sneak inside. She prayed that they didn't kill Ray yet or else her risking Dominics wrath was all for nothing!

She stood up from her crouching position and began jamming the multiple keys into the keyhole. Sweat was now forming on her forehead and she felt the pressure getting to her. She was about to give up when she heard a small click. A small cry of victory made its way pass her lips as she quickly opened the door and closed the door. She didn't lock it back, in fear that her and Ray would have to make a mad dash.

Walking quickly through the house she found the door to the basement. She cursed when she found it locked too! It was never locked before! Well..that was maybe because Dominic and Wren were down there. She tried all of the keys once more and none of them work.

Stef began to panic as she searched the house for something to break the doorknob with. She found her answer...a hammer. She also picked up a box cutter in the same drawer. She made the sign of the cross and asked God to forgive her before she slammed the hammer into the wooden door. She kept on hammering away until she made a small hole that her hand could get through. She reached her hand in and began feeling around for the lock. She sighed as she heard a click and unlocked the door.

She took the hammer with her as she ran down the steps, almost tripping a few times. She looked around wildly for Ray and found him...his chair over turned on the side and a pool of blood near his leg. He didn't smell all.

"Ray," she said nervously as she watched his lifeless body. "Ray," she said a bit louder. She let loose a yelp as his eyes opened slowly. He looked like he was sleeping.

"Who are you?" He rasped as he had a coughing fit. "What do you want?" He questioned.

She took a deep breath, trying to figure what to say and how to say it quick. "I'm Stefanie...and I'm...I'm Dominic's fiance. I saw what he did to you and I want to save you," she explained to him. "But if I'm going to help you...we have to hurry. Like now, Ray."

He looked completely confused. "Why...why would you want to help me? Is this some kind of sick joke? Plus...if I see my boy or wife..again...leave me. Leave me to die," he coughed as she sighed loudly.

"We're going to find your wife, ok? I know where she is...just come with me. I can't do anything about your son...he's gone, but I can save you and you wife," she said as her hands shook nervously. She was absolutely terrified. If she was caught by Wren or Chris...everything would be over. Game over. 

He looked at her for a long time and she wanted to yank him up by the collar and scream, 'come on!' "Okay," he sighed as she looked at his leg. Someone had wrapped it up. She didn't know who...and at that point she didn't care. She bent down and began to cut at the rope tying his hands together. Once those were free he cut the ropes on both of his ankles. tying him to the legs of the chairs.

"I can't get up," he said in a dead tone.

She glared at him. "Listen Ray! I know your heart is crushed, I know you're sad and in a whole lot of pain but if you don't want me and you to die and your wife to die eventually then you have to get some willpower and help me. I know you can't walk but you're going to have to drag yourself up the stairs while I find something to put in the car so your blood won't leak. Thos bandages might not hold ok? I'll help you get to the stairs then you're going to have to get up there on your own, ok?"

"Alright," he said as he slowly tried t get up. She was at his side and she quickly wrapped one of her arms around his waist. "God that hurts. I think you fiance broke my ribs," he said bitterly as she felt his sweaty cheek on her forehead as his head was hung low. His breathing was labored and she felt bad but she was not dragging him. She couldn't.

"Come on. Lean on me Ray," she said as he began leaning his weight on her. He was a heavy man and Stef thought she was going to pass out from the amount of weight she was carrying. She was now full fledged sweating. Her forehead was soaked, her hands were incredibly to sweaty and she thought she was going to pass out from Ray's weight. Once they made it to the stairs, he leaned all of his weight onto the banister and she ran up the stairs.

Running back to the kitchen she started wrecking the house looking for a table cloth, a garbage bag. Anything! She took a deep sigh of relief as she found an entire roll of garbage bags. "Ray, I found garbage bags!"

So, it's safe to say something's going to go terribly wrong next chapter! Hint, hint. *it involves a certain character and a strip clubs* Anyway hope you guys like this chapter & It's summer so I should be updating more often! Please vote or comment!! 

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