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Stef was now sitting in her new room. The room was huge. It had a huge mirror that sat on the long dresser across from her king sized bed and the bathroom was just...magical. There was a tub with a Jacuzzi then the shower head was controlled by a waterproof tablet! She hated Dominic but loved his house. She had no idea how to get back downstairs and to the kitchen. She was starving and the house was so big she didn't want to move away from her room and get loss and go into the wrong room. Like Dominic's room. She shivered just thinking of his room.

"Probably a devil worshiper," she said to herself as she thought about taking a shower. She quickly rethought it. She refused to get in the shower with those three guys down stairs. They could do something horrible and she was a noodle. No strength in her bones at all.

"Stef!" She heard Dominic bellowing her name. She groaned as she quickly got up and walked outside of her room. She quickly snatched a piece of paper and started ripping it apart. She was going to go all Hansel and Gretel on the house since she realized that there was no way she would be able to find her way back.

She knew she had to call out to Dominic and that really irked her. "Um could you keep talking so I can find you?" She yelled while she heard the guys laughing. She rolled her eyes and waited for Dominic to start talking.

"I gave you a tour. Can you be that special to not even figure out where I am," he continued acting like a jerk while she walked down a hallway then made a few turns before she walked down a stair case and through a few rooms. She found them sitting on some couches and drinking beer of course."There you are," Dominic said while pointing to a seat right next to him. She ignored him and sat on a chair next to the tv.

She looked at what they were watching. Some bloody gory movie. "Why did you call me in here?" She questioned as some man's skin was being ripped off of his back. She winced and looked away. One of them even laughed! She didn't understand them at all. They were obviously insane. " you all live here?" She asked getting more creeped out by the minute.

"I would never let them live in my house. They're leaving now," he said as they all three stood up.

"Nice meeting you," Chris said with his sunglasses still on. The Mike guy smirked a bit before leaving

She instantly got worried as soon as he got up. She didn't want him to attack her, she wouldn't be able to fend him off. "I have a cousin named Tony" That she didn't know. "He's married and his wife and some family friends are getting together over her house tomorrow. All they do is gossip and drink. Your new wardrobe should be coming in the morning and we're leaving to go there at noon. So you'll be polite, answer all their questions, they ask about your parents restaurant you tell them I paid the debt and we've been going out secretly that's why I handled the situation and not my father. How we met you were my waiter. How I proposed, I brought you to the ring shop and told you to try on the ring."

"-Are they nice?" She asked him trying to process all of this information. She didn't want to lie to these ladies if she was supposed to befriend them but what other choice did she have?

"No," he said while turning off the tv. "If you tell them anything about this arrangement you and your parents won't like the outcome, ok?" She didn't respond, just looked away. "Did you not hear me?" He asked as he bent down to her level. "Look at me when I'm talking to you Kitten," he snapped. She turned her head a bit so she could be looking at him. "Did you understand what I just told you?"


"Then why didn't you say so?" He asked harshly.

She suddenly got up, not being able to handle all of his stupid taunting and teasing. He grabbed her by the arm as she was heading towards the other room and yanked her back. He didn't have a sane look in his eyes to say the least. His eyes were cold and she felt a shiver run through her body. "I'm not done speaking with you."

Anger and fear bubbled up in her for the about sixth time today. "Just leave me alone! I said I understand...just let go of me," she said as her hands were actually shaking. This was her actual first time being alone with him and she was terrified. He could do anything she wanted to her and she couldn't do or say anything to anyone. She was trapped.

"That's all you had to say. You understand. I don't like when people don't answer me. You have a mouth, use it," he shot back. "Speaking of mouths...that kiss that you owe me," he said while she felt his hand travel down to the small of her back. He grabbed her hips, pulling her against him. She gasped at the hardness of his body. He definitely worked out...even though she didn't want to admit it.

"What? No," she said while trying to push away from him. Her mind flashes back to when he kissed her the first time. "Dominic I'm not kissing you. I...I won't be your whore," she said as she felt the hand on her hip get tight. She lookd up at him nervously and her eyes widened. He looked incredibly and thoroughly pissed off.

Before she could even register what was happening, he was forcing himself closer to her and his lips crashed onto hers. She tried to smack him but he slammed her wrist to the wall. She tried using her other hand and he caught that one too.

Stef pushed against him as she felt his teeth nip at her bottom lip. That seemed to fuel him on even more and she felt his tongue invade her mouth. His mouth dominated her and she didn't know why she which reason she was more angry about. Angry that he was doing this to her...or angry that she wasn't trying her hardest. She struggled against him for the last time before he stopped kissing her. She had tears in her eyes as she glared at him, she still couldn't move her extremities, due to the way he had her pinned down. She felt helpess, confused...and weak. "I own you, Kitten. You're mine. If I want you to be my whore, you're my whore. Ok?" He sneered in her face.

"Yes," she gulped as she refused to let tears fall in front of him. He let go of her and she ran out of the room searching for her room...or somewhere to secretly cry...


HI guysss... this was an eh chapter. Do you guys think that Stef is a weakling, a strong character or you're still trying to figure her out?? Oh, PLease vote or comment!!!

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