Bye bye Baby

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Estefania looked down at their earnings. There was a deafening silence that filled the place. Estefania, her parents, and Taliah were all waiting for her father to add up the sum of money they acquired over the three days. Taliah and her mother were gripping Estefania's hands tightly as her dad continued to count the money.

She ran into Dominic twice after their little encounter at the mall. Once the night of their encounter and the next day. He and his goons came in tonight and spent a total of 300 dollars. He was being a jerk and told her that, that money was towards her wedding dress. She almost threw the money back in his face, but they really, really needed that money.

She watched as her father slowly looked up from the table. "I'm sorry," he said while getting up from the table and walking out of the dining room. Stef looked at her mother and her mom had tears in her eyes. Before she could grab her mom she ran out of the room too. Stef slowly turned to Taliah. Taliah had a grim look to her face.

"Come on," Stef said. "Let's...go pack my things."

Once Taliah and Stef got up stairs they started to pack her things. "What are you going to wear tomorrow?" Taliah asked her while she threw another pair of shoes in her shoe bag. Taliah was in charge of foot wear and jewelry. "You know he said wear something cute. You should wear something totally disgusting so then he'll be all 'ew look at her I don't want to marry you. Disgusting-"

"Yeah so then he can beat up my dad some more," Stef sighed while plopping down on her bed next to Taliah. "I....this isn't fair," Stef said while taking a pillow and putting it on top of her face. She didn't do anything wrong. She was always good all kid! She was always on honor roll, she never even smoked or drank alcohol. Well except for that one time Taliah and her split a beer but that was because of a stupid dare. The point was, she was a good person and she didn't deserve any of this. Well at least she thought she was a good person.

She felt Taliah getting up and pulling the pillow off her face. "I'll pick out an outfit and you get your hours of sulking in kay?" Stef nodded while putting the pillow back over her head. She wondered what her life would be like. Maybe Dominic actually had a heart. She laughed at that thought. He couldn't. It just wasn't possible. "Nia I found something." Stef groaned, she didn't want to look at it. "Girl!" Stef sat up while hugging her pillow. "Look."

It was a short cute white summer dress. She had wore it once when they went on vacation to the Bahamas last year but never wore it again. "I guess," she said while eyeing the white dress warily

~The next day~

Stef, her parents, and Taliah were all sitting in the restaurant drinking coffee silently. The only people who seemed to be talking were Taliah and her mother occasionally. Stef hadn't said a word to her father and she briefly exchanged words with her mother in the morning.

Taliah spent the night, and they basically packed and spent the night watching scary movies. Then in the morning her mom cooked everyone breakfast. "They should be here in a few minutes," her dad said while looking her way. She just looked away into her coffee.

"You know maybe he's not a douche. Maybe he just acts like it and is a really nice guy...I'm kidding sorry but if I had the chance I would kill him," Taliah said out loud while sipping on her coffee. Stef couldn't blame her. Considering what they did to her brother. "Or maybe you can beat yourself up then call the police then be like oh hey I want a divorce because-"

"They have men in the police force. Plus the police are scared of those bastards," her mother told Taliah while Taliah groaned and threw a pack of sugar on the floor.

"Oh! Ok so maybe it's not to late to flee the country. We can always do that. All your things are packed and oh ok I'll be Reina Matthews and you'll be Shelby Parks and-"

"It's no use," Stef's dad sighed while looking away and hanging his head in shame.

Just as Stef was about to say something the bell on the door rang. They all turned around to see Dominic and some of his men. She recognized the the one guy from yesterday at the mall and when they came to the restaurant. He looked a bit scarier then Dominic and was glaring at her like she did something wrong!

"Good morning Dominic," her mother said in a really nasty tone. "Would you like some coffee?" He shrugged while taking his time to walk around the tables and chairs. As if he was reminiscing. "Taliah go get Dominic some coffee."

Taliah laughed. "Like hell I'll get this dick head coffee."

"And who are you again?" Dominic asked while glaring at Taliah. She didn't answer him just glared back at him. "Oh right Taliah Johnson? How's your brother doing? I heard through the grape vine that he got roughed up pretty badly for trying to steal something how is he?"

Taliah smiled and then chucked her coffee mug at him. He didn't even flinch as it came about a few centimeters from his face! "He's in a coma thanks to you asshole."

He chuckled. "Good for him. Are you ready Estefania? We have a flight to California to get to. Where are your bags at?" She pointed to the corner where her bags were and Dominic's men started to take her things. "You have two minutes to say good bye."

"I said them already," she said while glancing back at her parents and Taliah. He looked to be pleased with her reply by the smirk on his face and she wanted to punch him in the face but she knew that wouldn't go over well. Especially since she was going to be living with him. He turned around and she started to walk behind him. Extremely slow though. By the time he was at the door she was still in the middle of the restaurant. She didn't want to go! She wanted to fall on the floor and be dragged out but she knew Dominic would probably kick her and tell her to get up.

He suddenly whipped around and glared at her. "Pick up your feet up. We have a flight to catch and you better not make me drag your ass out of this damn place, because I guarantee you won't like it."

Hope you guys liked it, I had kind of writers block but I think this was an ok chapter. Don't worry next chapter will be WAY better, I promise. Please vote and comment!!

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