She's a Trouble Maker

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Stef took a deep breath as she looked secretly watched Wren. He was watching tv while while playing a game on his phone. She knew her plan..Dominic wasn't here either. He wouldn't be back until Sunday and it was friday. It would work. She knew where the keys were....she remembered where the cabin was too. She even had some money. She lied and told Dominic she needed to buy some more new clothes and he gave her 400 dollars. She guessed he just had money like that because if she told her parents that she would be lucky to get a twenty out of them.

"Wren," she said softly as she slowly walked into the living room. Some movie with shooting was on. It looked like The A Team but she wasn't sure. She watched as he paused his game and looked up at her with a smile.

"Hey. You ok? I know you and my bro haven't been talking really," he said while she shrugged and sighed. "Come to Papa Wren. What's the dealio?" He questioned as she exhaled loudly.

She shrugged. "Nothing....I just...I just wanted to know if it were true. If Dominic really killed that mans son," she said while she watched Wren tense. She hoped it wasn't true. She prayed it wasn't.

"It's true...." Stef felt her eyes began to prickle with tears. She...she couldn't believe that he would do something like that. How could someone kill someone innocent? She didn't get it...she didn't understand. "But he was fighting back when we tried to take his mom. He had a gun too and well-"

"It doesn't matter...what about Stella? Where's she?" She questioned as she watched Wren open his mouth to answer and then clamp it shut. He was looking at her suspiciously. "Wren...why are you looking at me like that?" She questioned. "I just wanted to know how your brother managed to tear apart a family in less than a week."

"It's something like...East Way Street. It's a club."

"He's horrible," she said as she mentally tried to remember the street he said. Hopefully if it was a club it would be noticeable and easy to find! As she thought about what her plan was going to be she felt Wren's eyes on her. " ok?" She asked him.

He scooted closer to her and she couldn't say it wasn't comfortable. She felt her cheeks flush and she started to get a bit nervous. "You know...this sucks right? You're so pretty and sweet and as always Dominic always gets everything," Wren complained as she watched his hand come closer to her face. He gently brushed the loose strands of her hair out of her face. Stef had the urge to momentarily close her eyes and relish in his touch but she knew that was a horrible idea.

She gulped and wanted to move away but she was at the end of the couch! "'re off topic," she laughed nervously as he chuckled a bit. She couldn't help but notice that him and Dominic looked so alike yet so different. "Plus there are plenty of girls probably falling all over you," she breathed out. "Please don't think I'm so special because I'm not," she admitted to him.

He looked upset by what she said. "Yes you are. You're special. You've only been here for like a week and my brother is acting different. You give me a happy reason to come over here. I mean sure I always come over here because Dominic and I have things to do but..still," Wren said with his boyish grin on his face. "Damn," he said as she suddenly got worried. Why was he suddenly cursing? Did she do something wrong? And she couldn't imagine Dominic any worse then he already was now! She wondered what he was like before she came.

"What?" She asked as it all happened so fast. He grabbed her tenderly by the chin and leaned in, pressing their lips together. His soft, slow movements made Stef's mind slowly begin to melt. Stef didn't realize what she was doing as she felt herself leaning into his kiss...kissing him back. She just knew what her lips wanted. As he deepened the kiss she felt his hand slide behind her neck, holding her in their hot kiss. She pulled away for a second, looking at him. She knew this was wrong. Horrible. Disgraceful. A shame!

He didn't give her a chance to change her mind, because he claimed her lips once again. This time, she felt something wet trail across her bottom lip, and she realized it was his tongue. A soft shiver ran through her body as he slipped it into her mouth and there tongues began to dance in a heated frenzy. Stef felt her body humming with anticipation and she wanted to get closer to him, some how..some way. She felt his hands traveling lower and her hear began to beat incredibly faster... then a loud ringing disrupted them.

Stef tore away from Wren and slapped her hand over her mouth. She watched with wide eyes as he answered his phone. "H...hello? Oh uh hey,no. I was just sleeping you scared me. Yeah...she's just uh..upstairs talking to one of her old friends. No..I didn't go in her room...okay...Yeah. I'll tell her...bye."

Wren hung up the phone and Stef couldn't even look at him. Was she supposed to be upset...angry with herself? She knew she was supposed to be....but she wasn't scared. At all. With Dominic his kisses were rough and unwanted. She had no say and she couldn't stop him even if she wanted to. With Wren it was different. He complimented her...and was gentle. She didn't feel forced into anything.

"That was uh...Dominic." She nodded her head slowly. "Stef...that was-"

"What kind of club?" She questioned him, trying to think of what she was going to say. She had to get him off the subject.

Wren chuckled. "Strip club," he said. "But anyway about that kiss," he said while wiggling his eye brows. "I'm...I'm sorry-"

"It never happened," she said quickly. "Because if it did Dominic would get mad...and we don't want him mad," she blabbered still feeling her lips tingling.

"Right," he said as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. She couldn't stand it. She suddenly got up, embarrassed to even look at him to his face. How was she supposed to look Dominic in the face when she made out with his brother?! She got up and walked quickly up to her room. She got on her bed and whipped out her phone. She pressed stop on the recording button and played the whole conversation back. She typed the address that Wren gave her into the phone and smiled. It was only ten minutes away and the cabin where Ray was being held was like fifteen.

As soon as she was about to set her plan into motion her phone started to ring. She huffed loudly as she answered the phone. "Hello?" She asked.

"Oh so now you can answer my damn calls?! Are you kidding me? Like seriously this isn't funny I'm so bored and hate life over here and-"

"Taliah?!" She screeched into the phone. "I miss you so much! And I haven't gotten a call from you....or a txt since I came here. I thought you were mad for staying with Dominic!" She accused her best friend as she said yet another curse word through the phone.

"No. How could I be mad? He's an manipulative bitch. I can't get mad it was you or well...your parents.'s hell? Is the devil still trying to capture your soul?" Her best friend ask her.

Stef sighed. "He captured it and has it in a small box, under his bed."

"I'm going to come down there and kick his ass, ok? Just tel me when and I'll come, Oh, and you sound weird? What are you doing?" Taliah asked as her heart began to hammer inside of her chest. She contemplated telling Taliah, but she just couldn't.

She tried to play it off. "Oh nothing. I was running on the treadmill..anyway I have some things to do. So I'll talk to you later." By things...she meant saving an innocent woman from being a prostitute or stripper, for the rest of her life...and attempting to save her husband from death too.

She just couldn't erase the mans face from her mind. It haunted her all night. She got no sleep, when Dominc said those awful was like his world was over. His entire life. She knew even though she was associated with horrible people...that didn't have to mean that she had to stand by and watch them do horrible things. She was going to try to help anyway she could. If that meant drugging Wren. stealing Dominics car and going to a strip club...then she would do it.

SO...Wren and Stef's kiss? Like it, hate it, don't care? Still contemplating if Dominic should find out or not. Should he? There's a 50/50 chance he will. Hope you guys enjoy. VOTE OR COMMENT!

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