Gym Rat

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HI GUYS! Hope you like this chapter and ok I have a short story I just have to tell. Me and this guy who are like talking went on a date and I spilled my juice all over the table, dropped my plate of salad when the waiter was handing it to me and just....why me? My date literally laughed the whole entire time. He said he had fun but ehh idk! Sorry, I just had to establish how much of an idiot klutz I am! Anyway enjoy!

Stefania took a shaky breath as she wiped her tears. It had been three days since Dominic's party and she was absolutely miserable. She missed her parents who barely answered the phone, Taliah was even falling off the wagon which she didn't understand why at all. Sonya's son was sick...and she hadn't seen Wren ever since the party.

She was an emotional sad mess. Lonely, depressed, angry you name it. That's what she was. She just wanted to take a long walk. Unfortunately for her, it was pouring raining and Dominic had 'babysitters' as usual in the front of the house. She got up and shoved her phone in her pocket, then searched the house for an umbrella. She would just walk out of the back door. She just couldn't keep waiting at home doing nothing. Waiting for Dominic to get home so he can either completely annoy her or say something snappy.

She was sick of this life. So sick if it and the party was the last straw. She took a deep breath and went up to her room. If she left for a few days...maybe Dominic wouldn't notice. Maybe it was for the best. She went up to her room and packed a small bag. With all the essentials and even bought the chocolates she stole off his gift table.

She also stole one of his hoodies. She had a plan. Since the bag looked like a duffel bag she could tell Chris that she wanted to go to the gun today. The gym was on a strip. She would go to the ATM then the gym and walk out the back part of the gym, then she would walk to a hotel she saw a few times on the road.

She hesitantly opened the door and then locked up. Chris was immediately out of the car, walking towards her with an umbrella. "Where are you going?" He questioned her as he held the umbrella over her head, and let himself and his suit get soaked.

"The gym," she said convincingly as she pointed towards her duffel bag. "I'm bored and I was gonna go for a run but the weather and all," she said as she held her hand out and the ran started to soak her hand.

"Does Dominic know?" He questioned her while he still continued to get soaked.

She laughed. "Yeah he knows. He likes when I work out," she said as Chris gave her a wary look. "Can we go?" She asked as he nodded and waited for her to move. He even opened the door for her. She couldn't believe e was the same guy who was a complete weirdo in the limo and the one who tortured Ray.

They got into the car and rode silently. Chris didn't seem like he talked..not at all really. He was kind of creepy.

"The party was nice," he suddenly said as she looked up from her hands. He was watching her through the rest view mirror. She shrugged. "He...appreciated it. If you learn to read people like I am able to, you could tell. Like I can tell that you're lying to me about Dominic knowing."

Stef started to get nervous. Was he driving her to Dominic's office? She would probably jump out the car if he did. "I tried calling him but he's not answering his phone," she said as smooth as possible.

She watched him closely. Her imaginary balloon was popped. He was calling Dominic! The phone was hooked up to the car. She could hear the dial tone. She groaned when Dominic picked up the phone. "I'm driving your fiancé to the gym. Did you know she was supposed to be going there today?"

"No. She's not even signed up for a gym," Dominic snapped as Stef was sinking deeper and deeper into the seat. Why did everything bad have to happen to her?

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